2022 Nefesh B’Nefesh Charter Aliyah Flight

It has always been a cherished dream of ours since we got married to start a family in Israel. Joining my nation fills me with excitement and joy as I am now truly living the dream. From the moment I set foot in this land, it felt like home to me. Being here means having my entire life and future in Israel, where we truly belong, where the Jewish people are meant to be, and where I envision my children growing up.

I want to express my gratitude to all the families, but above all, to the olim who are engaging in one of the most significant acts Jews can undertake – being part of the Zionist movement and ensuring that Am Yisrael will endure forever in our eternal homeland.

A warm welcome to our 63rd aliyah charter flight! To all our partners and the entire Netherlands staff, we wish you a smooth and successful journey back home. Shahiano Miguel Viggiano. [Music] [Applause]

Today, we celebrate the aliyah of 31 families, including 99 children. Our youngest oleh is just 2 months old. We also have 40 soon-to-be lone soldiers, [Music] as well as 48 young professionals, 27 medical professionals, and 72 olim who will contribute to the development of the Negev and Galilee through our Go Beyond initiative.

Each one of you embarking on this journey is making aliyah for different purposes – whether to join the army, pursue education, find work, become teachers, or engage in various other endeavors. You are the driving force on this flight. While many see Israel as a destination, you view it as your destiny. Most importantly, while many dream of making aliyah, today, you are living that dream.

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