Keren Hayesod Leadership mission to Ethiopia and Israel 2023

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An Unforgettable Mission to Gonda

Just back from a life-changing three-day mission to Gonda. We witnessed firsthand the harsh conditions these Jewish communities faced, yet were deeply inspired by their thriving spirit.

Praying in the synagogue, visiting homes, and seeing the hope in the children’s eyes was truly a gift. It solidified the importance of the work we do. Being part of an organization that genuinely saves lives – reuniting families and securing a future for Jewish communities – is incredibly rewarding.

But here’s the surprising thing: while we may feel like we’re helping them, these communities are also helping us. This mission deepened our understanding of Jewish history and the enduring partnership between the global Jewish diaspora and Israel. The connection, forged over 100 years ago with the founding of Keren Hayesod, remains vital today.

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