Providing A Safe Place – Mobile Bomb Shelters

We were privileged to be part of installing another mobile bomb shelter in this community, a vital addition that will undoubtedly save lives. Currently located in Kibbutz Nativa, just 700 meters from the Gaza border, this is the second mobile bomb shelter generously donated by our supporters to protect and rescue individuals in need. You may even hear the sound of explosions in the background, a reminder of the danger residents face. With 40 rockets entering Israel just this morning, each costing approximately $15,000, the demand for these shelters is urgent. We need at least 20 more in this area alone due to our close proximity to Gaza.

We allocate all funds sent to Karen Hayesod, an Israeli government agency, directly towards these projects. It is imperative to continue supporting this cause as lives are at stake. The speed at which rockets are launched leaves no time for individuals to seek shelter in buildings, making mobile bomb shelters a crucial lifeline. It is essential to have these shelters readily available on the streets to provide immediate protection. The impact of these shelters has already been realized in saving lives.

In addition to the one being installed, six more bomb shelters have been purchased with donations, demonstrating the urgent need for support in this region. Alongside the necessity for mobile bomb shelters, there is also a pressing demand for resources such as clothing, food, and housing to aid families displaced by conflict. Your assistance plays a vital role in easing the suffering of those affected.

As we work to provide essential resources and save lives in Israel, we are grateful for the unwavering support from our partners. Every contribution makes a difference in the lives of individuals facing adversity. By standing together in solidarity with Israel, we can continue to make a positive impact and fulfill the calling to help those in need. Your generosity is truly appreciated, and we thank you in advance for your continued support in this mission to save lives in Israel. You’ve heard me say it a million times and
I’m going to say it a million more times. God says when you help save one life, you’ve saved the whole world.

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