We will not stay silent | ALIYAH NEWS

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In this critical moment when anti-Israel and anti-Semitic gatherings are prevalent in our cities, we are faced once again with a crucial choice- to stand up against injustice or to remain silent. Reflecting on the history of Auschwitz, its gradual emergence serves as a stark reminder of how atrocities can evolve incrementally if hate goes unchecked, as highlighted by Marian Turski, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. It is imperative to understand that anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism) can insidiously infiltrate society through the normalization of hate speech and conspiracies, leading to devastating consequences.

On October 7th, 2023, a tragic event unfolded, marking the largest single-day murder of Jewish individuals since the Holocaust. Innocent lives were lost solely because of their Jewish heritage. As we witness a resurgence of anti-Israel and anti-Jew sentiments, the choice between silence and action confronts us once more. Young adults from diverse nations recently visited Auschwitz, rekindling the importance of learning from the past to forge a more compassionate future.

The chilling history of World War II underscores the horrors that unfolded in Auschwitz, where 1.1 million Jews perished in the largest Nazi concentration camp. It was a place of systematic extermination, aimed at the total annihilation of Jewish lives. Through visits to sites like Auschwitz, we aim to glean crucial lessons from history and stand up against discrimination and hatred, embodying the ethos of making a difference today, even if in saving one life, we can save the world.

Connecting across nations, individuals like Sarah from England and advocates from Ebenezer echo sentiments of solidarity and friendship with the Jewish people. As we confront the resurgence of anti-Semitic acts and terrorism, the unwavering support for Israel and Jewish communities resonates strongly. By standing steadfast with Israel and invoking words of hope and healing, we reinforce our commitment to a brighter and more tolerant future.

Christians around the world, echoing the spirit of Psalm 125 and Isaiah 54:17, invoke prayers for protection and strength for the people of Israel. In times of adversity, these words of faith and solidarity serve as a beacon of hope and reassurance. Inspired by the biblical tale of Ruth, a symbol of loyalty and compassion, we stand united in support of Israel and its people during these challenging times.

As Ebenezer extends support through humanitarian initiatives, we invite all who wish to join in aiding the response efforts to reach out to their national office or visit our website. In times of crisis, it is unity, compassion, and collective action that pave the way towards a brighter tomorrow. With prayers, advocacy, and unwavering support, we strive to be a beacon of hope and healing for Israel and beyond.

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