Celebrating 40 Years of aliyah from Former Soviet Union (FSU) | Published May 2010

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Here in the land of the Jewish people, the freedom to speak Hebrew, pray, and celebrate Jewish holidays is cherished. Living as a free Jew is a reality that many embrace, in stark contrast to the oppression faced in the Communist USSR. The Soviet regime aimed to silence millennia of Jewish history and culture, rendering Soviet Jewry voiceless until individual acts of defiance. The historic reunification of Jerusalem and the liberation of the Western Wall during the Six-Day War in 1967 ignited a Jewish National Revival in the USSR.

A deep yearning to be part of the Zionist dream and reconnect with Jewish heritage spurred groups and individuals to covertly gather to study Hebrew, celebrate holidays, and demand immigration to Israel. The courageous attempt by Jews in 1970 to hijack an airplane to escape persecution symbolized the growing Awakening of Soviet Jewry. Despite facing repression, imprisonment, and persecution, activists stood resilient in their quest for freedom and the right to immigrate to Israel.

The rallying cry of “Let My People Go” echoed around the world as Jewish communities united in solidarity to support the freedom of Soviet Jews. International pressure mounted on the Soviet Union, leading to the loosening of restrictions on Jewish immigration. The Jewish Agency, supported by global partners, played a pivotal role in facilitating the immigration of tens of thousands of Jews to Israel. As cracks appeared in the Soviet regime in the late 1980s, the gates of Aliyah opened wide, enabling a massive influx of Jewish immigrants.

Amid the challenges of absorbing a million new immigrants in Israel, critical programs were established to ensure successful integration and contribution to the nation’s prosperity. Israeli identity and job retraining initiatives were instrumental in shaping the future of these immigrants. The sense of Israeli pride and belonging grew strong, with individuals like Liora Israeli expressing deep love and commitment to the nation. Despite the conflicts and hardships, the resilience, vitality, and desire for peace among Israelis remain unwavering.

The deep connection to Jewish history, culture, and the land of Israel transcends challenges and adversity. Being Israeli is more than a nationality; it is a profound sense of belonging, rooted in a shared heritage and vision for the future. Through dedication, respect, and love for the nation, individuals like Liora Israeli embody the essence of being Israeli and Jewish, reaffirming their unwavering commitment to the land they call home.

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