Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army | From a British Colonel who fought in the 2014 Gaza Palestinian and Israeli war | 5 Minute Video

As someone who has commanded British Forces in Afghanistan and has seen combat in various countries, including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Macedonia, and Iraq, I feel compelled to share the truth about the Israeli Military, as opposed to what is often portrayed in the media.

Having been present during the conflict in Gaza in 2014, I can attest to the fact that the Israel Defense Force, or IDF, goes above and beyond to protect the rights of civilians in a combat zone. In my opinion, the IDF does more to safeguard civilians than any other army in the history of warfare.

Israel is a country built on Western values and democratic principles. Contrary to what some may believe, Israel does not seek out war. The only reason Israel engages in conflict is to defend itself from countries and armed groups that seek to destroy it. This is a stark contrast to countries like Belgium, which do not face the same threats as Israel.

One of the reasons why the IDF is so committed to protecting civilians is the influence of Judaism on the citizens of Israel. The moral standards upheld by Judaism play a significant role in shaping the actions of the IDF. Additionally, the army is mainly composed of citizen soldiers, who are ordinary people called upon to defend their homes. These individuals do not seek out conflict and do not wish to harm others.

During the Gaza War of 2014, the morality and decency of the IDF were on full display. The war was initiated by Hamas, a designated terrorist organization that launched hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians. Despite numerous warnings, Hamas continued its attacks, prompting the IDF to take action to protect its citizens.

The IDF took extraordinary measures to minimize civilian casualties. They went to great lengths to warn civilians in targeted areas, including dropping leaflets, broadcasting messages, sending texts, and making phone calls. In a remarkable display of compassion, the IDF even called Gazans on their cell phones to inform them of impending airstrikes. This level of warning is unprecedented in the history of warfare.

It is important to acknowledge that, despite the IDF’s efforts, innocent civilians were tragically killed during the conflict. War is chaotic and mistakes are inevitable, but these mistakes do not equate to war crimes. In contrast, Hamas intentionally positioned its military assets among civilians, using them as human shields. They also fabricated civilian casualties for propaganda purposes, a tactic known as “Pallywood”.

Ultimately, the IDF’s commitment to protecting civilians sets them apart from other armies. As a professional soldier, I can attest to the fact that the IDF takes significant risks to avoid civilian casualties. It is essential for those who seek the truth to understand the realities of warfare and the measures taken by the IDF to uphold moral standards and adhere to the laws of war.

In conclusion, the IDF’s actions in Gaza in 2014 exemplify their dedication to safeguarding the rights of civilians in a combat zone. I, Colonel Richard Kemp, stand by this assessment and urge those who value truth to recognize the exceptional efforts made by the Israeli army to protect innocent lives.

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