A Mother’s Heartbreak and Miraculous Reunion | Finding Hope in the Midst of War

In the wake of the latest Gaza War, I found myself grappling with an unimaginable loss. My husband had recently passed away in a car accident, and just a month later, my son was called to serve in the Israeli Army. As a patriot, I believed in my son’s duty to serve, but the fear of losing him was overwhelming.

The Devastating News

My worst nightmare became a reality when, a week into the battle, I received a call in the middle of the night. The Army informed me that my son had been killed in action. The grief was unbearable. I had already lost my husband, and now my son was gone too. It felt like my world had completely shattered.

Isolation and Despair

In the aftermath of this tragedy, I retreated into myself. I locked myself in my apartment, refusing to see anyone or participate in life. My daughter tried desperately to coax me out, reminding me of my grandchildren who missed their grandmother, but I couldn’t bring myself to face the world. I felt abandoned by God and saw no reason to continue living.

A Glimmer of Hope

After two months of self-imposed isolation, a friend convinced me to attend a lecture by a visiting rabbi. Though initially skeptical, I found myself drawn into his words about God’s presence in our lives. That night, I made a heartfelt plea to the heavens, asking for a sign that my son, Devir, was okay. I bargained with God, saying that if I could have one last hug from my son, I would find peace.

The Unexpected Encounter

Weeks later, I reluctantly agreed to attend a Tu Bishvat celebration with my family. As a former nursery school teacher, I found myself naturally drawn to the children at the event. A young boy clung to my leg, and I began playing with him. His mother, overwhelmed with a crying baby, allowed me to comfort the infant.

The Miraculous Revelation

As I held the crying baby, soothing it with ease, the mother remarked on how well the child responded to me. When I asked the boy’s name, she replied, “Devir.” Stunned by the coincidence, I inquired about the unusual name choice. The mother shared a remarkable story of how she had prayed for her child’s health during a difficult pregnancy and vowed to name him after a fallen soldier she had seen on the news – my son, Devir.

A Divine Embrace

At that moment, I realized that God had answered my prayer in the most unexpected way. Through this child named after my son, I was given the opportunity to hold and hug “Devir” one last time. It was a profound reminder that even in our darkest moments, miracles can occur, and God’s presence can be felt in the smallest of encounters.


This experience taught me that God’s work isn’t always visible in grand gestures but often manifests in subtle, personal ways. It reminded me to look for signs of divine presence in my everyday life and to find comfort in the knowledge that our loved ones live on in unexpected ways. Through this miraculous encounter, I found the strength to embrace life once again and to cherish the memories of those I’ve lost while remaining open to new blessings.

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