My 246 Days in Hamas Captivity: A Tale of Survival and Hope

As I stand here today, free from the clutches of Hamas after 246 harrowing days in captivity, I’m overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. My name is Noa, and I was kidnapped from Gaza on October 7th, held hostage for eight long months, and finally rescued by our security forces on July 2nd.

The Weight of Worry

Being an only child to parents with a terminally ill mother, my greatest concern during captivity was the well-being of my family. The uncertainty they faced must have been unbearable. Now, standing beside my mother after eight months of separation, I’m filled with immense gratitude.

A Debt of Gratitude

I owe my freedom to the brave men and women of our security forces. To our army, soldiers, reservists, special forces, and everyone involved in the rescue operation – thank you for risking your lives to bring us home. My heart goes out to the family of Arnon Zamora, who fell during the mission to rescue me and three other hostages. He is a true hero of Israel, and it’s because of him that we’re here today.

The Power of Community

The support from family, friends, and countless strangers has been overwhelming. To everyone who raised their voices when we couldn’t, who prayed, and who gave of themselves during this long ordeal – thank you. It’s deeply moving to return home and learn of all the good people who helped and supported us.

A Plea for Those Left Behind

While I’m grateful to be home, I can’t forget the 120 hostages still in Hamas captivity. Among them is my partner, Avi Nathan, from whom I was separated at the moment of capture. We must do everything in our power to bring them all home safely.

Hope for a Peaceful Future

As I conclude, I wish for quieter days ahead for all of us. May we be surrounded by family, friends, and good people. Most importantly, may we learn to love and not hate.This experience has taught me the value of freedom, the strength of the human spirit, and the power of hope. As I begin my journey of healing and reintegration, I carry with me the memories of those dark days, but also the light of the countless acts of kindness and bravery that brought me home. My story is one of survival, but it’s also a testament to the unbreakable bonds of family, community, and nation.

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