The Conviction Behind Israel’s Survival: Insights from Ambassador Michael Oren

As I sat down with former Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, in the heart of Tel Aviv, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own journey that led me to this moment. It’s a story of conviction, courage, and the unwavering belief in fighting for what’s right – a theme that resonates deeply with Ambassador Oren’s own experiences.

The Spark of Conviction

My own conviction was ignited during a visit to Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Museum when I was just 13 years old. Walking through those haunting hallways, surrounded by the remnants of unimaginable tragedy, I was struck by the words of a docent: “Most people don’t fight because they rely on others to do the fighting for them, and most people don’t start fighting until it’s too late.” That moment lit a fire in me that has burned ever since, driving me to stand up against evil and tackle seemingly impossible tasks.

Ambassador Oren’s journey, while different in its details, echoes a similar theme of early experiences shaping a lifelong commitment to Israel’s survival and prosperity.

Ambassador Oren’s Roots of Conviction

Growing up as the only Jewish kid in a tough Sicilian neighborhood, Oren faced his share of challenges from the local bullies. His father, a World War II veteran who had liberated a concentration camp, instilled in him a profound understanding of why a strong State of Israel was necessary. Oren recalls, “He would open this album and show me the pictures… and he would say to me, ‘You see that, son? That’s why we need a strong State of Israel.'”

This early lesson was reinforced during the Six-Day War when Oren witnessed his parents’ fear of a potential second Holocaust. He internalized the critical importance of self-defense and the need for Israel to stand strong in the face of existential threats.

The Meaning of Zionism

For Oren, Zionism can be distilled into a single word: responsibility. He explains, “Only in this country can Jews take full responsibility for the electricity, the sewers, the defense, and the foreign policy.” This sense of responsibility drives his commitment to Israel’s survival and success.

The Path to Ambassadorship

Oren’s journey to becoming Israel’s ambassador to the United States was a lifelong pursuit, sparked by a meeting with then-ambassador Yitzhak Rabin when Oren was just 15. Every step of his education and career was aimed at fulfilling this dream.

However, the role came with a significant personal cost – giving up his U.S. citizenship. Oren describes the emotional moment of having his passport punctured: “Honestly, I cried… They can take away my citizenship, they can put a hole in my passport, but they’re not going to make me less of a baseball and football fan.”

The Enduring Connection

Despite the formal severance of his U.S. citizenship, Oren’s connection to America remains strong. He credits the United States for instilling in him the values and convictions that have guided his career and life. “I wouldn’t be sitting here with the values I have and whatever convictions you think I have… unless I had acquired this through the United States,” he reflects.

As I listened to Ambassador Oren’s story, I was struck by the parallels between our experiences – how early encounters with history and injustice can shape a lifetime of dedication to a cause. His journey from a boy in a tough neighborhood to a key diplomatic figure underscores the power of conviction and the enduring bond between Israel and the United States.

In a world where the survival of Israel continues to be a topic of global interest, voices like Ambassador Oren provide crucial insight into the complex realities and deep-rooted convictions that drive this small but significant nation. His story is a testament to the power of personal responsibility and the impact one individual can have when guided by unwavering conviction.

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