From the West Bank to the United States: My Father Founded Hamas

Early Life in the West Bank

Growing up in the West Bank, life was anything but peaceful. Raised in a devout Islamic family, my father was a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood and later a founder of Hamas. The environment was chaotic, with violence and internal Palestinian conflict a daily reality. As a child, I witnessed killings and was subjected to beatings, whether at school, on the streets, or even at the mosque. This tumultuous upbringing was my introduction to the world of Hamas and the broader conflict in the region.

The Rise of Hamas

Hamas, initially a secretive movement, was heavily involved in indoctrination, recruiting individuals under the guise of nationalism and religion. My father, a revolutionary and religious leader, was deeply involved, and I followed in his footsteps. The ideology taught that there were no Israeli civilians, only soldiers, and justified violence as a means to an end. This mindset led to the escalation of violence, including suicide bombings, which prompted severe Israeli countermeasures.

A Turning Point: Arrest and Realization

My involvement with Hamas led to my arrest by Israeli forces. Despite the harsh treatment I received, it was during this time that I began to question the motives and actions of Hamas. The brutality and lack of mercy I witnessed among Hamas leaders, even towards their own people, forced me to reevaluate my beliefs. I realized that if Hamas succeeded in its goals, it would result in a state of perpetual violence and oppression.

Collaboration with Israeli Intelligence

Faced with the reality of Hamas’s true nature, I was approached by Israeli intelligence with an opportunity to prevent further suicide bombings. Initially, my intention was to act as a double agent, but over time, I came to trust the Israeli operatives who offered me protection and a new perspective. For several years, I worked to dismantle Hamas operations in the West Bank, driven by a newfound understanding of the broader implications of the conflict.

A New Life in the United States

Fearing for my safety, I eventually migrated to the United States. Here, I found a sense of security and the opportunity to share my story. Writing a book about my experiences was a moral responsibility, a way to shed light on the realities of life under Hamas and the broader geopolitical implications. Despite the personal cost, including being disowned by my father, I felt it was necessary to speak out against the spread of extremist ideologies.

The Global Implications of Hamas’s Ideology

Hamas’s aspirations extend beyond regional borders, posing a threat to global security. The organization’s use of human shields and its ultimate goal of establishing a global Islamic empire are dangers that cannot be ignored. The United States, as a superpower, has a responsibility to counter these threats to ensure the stability of the Middle East and, by extension, the world. The alliance with Israel is crucial in this endeavor, as the failure to address the threat posed by Hamas could have dire consequences for Western civilization.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The story of my journey from the West Bank to the United States is a testament to the power of transformation and the importance of standing against extremist ideologies. It is a call to action for the global community to recognize and address the threats posed by organizations like Hamas. By doing so, we can work towards a future of peace and stability, free from the shadows of violence and oppression.

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