A Father’s Heroic Journey: My Harrowing Rescue Mission on October 7th

On that fateful Saturday morning, I received the call that would change everything. My daughter, Nitzan, was trapped at a party in southern Israel as chaos erupted around her. Without hesitation, my son Amit and I jumped into action, determined to save her.

The Perilous Drive South

As we sped towards the danger zone, my heart raced with fear and determination. I instructed Nitzan to hide beneath bodies for protection – words no father should ever have to say to his child. The landscape transformed into a war zone before our eyes, with the constant crackle of gunfire serving as a grim reminder of the danger we faced.

Unexpected Passengers and a Glimmer of Hope

Suddenly, about 20 young people flagged us down, begging for rescue. Though our mission was to find Nitzan, we couldn’t leave them behind. We loaded them into our vehicle, our resolve strengthened by their desperate pleas. At a gas station that had become a makeshift triage center, we dropped off our first group of survivors.

A Father’s Cry and a Daughter’s Rescue

Then, I spotted it – the shelter where Nitzan was hiding. My heart leaped as I called out, “Nitzan, it’s Dad!” Her cries pierced the air as I pulled her from the shelter, along with several other young women and a young man. In that moment of reunion, I told Nitzan, “Because of you, we saved over 30 children today.”

The Emotional Toll and Unbreakable Bond

The journey back was fraught with danger, but our determination never wavered. Amit and I shared a profound moment, acknowledging the possibility that we might not make it out alive. His unwavering support – “Dad, I’m with you until the end” – filled me with both pride and heartache.

A Beacon of Hope in Dark Times

Our rescue mission didn’t end with Nitzan. We pressed on, saving as many as we could from the horrors that surrounded us. The sights and smells of death were overwhelming, but we pushed through, driven by a deep-seated belief in the sanctity of life.

Reflection on Heroism and Divine Protection

Looking back, I’m humbled by the label of “hero.” We were ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances, guided by a higher power that allowed us to save others without harm befalling us. This experience has forever changed us, strengthening our bond as father and son and reminding us of the incredible resilience of the human spirit.

A Message of Hope and Gratitude

To those we rescued and their families: your gratitude is overwhelming, but know that your survival gives us strength. In these dark times, let our story serve as a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable adversity, hope and courage can prevail.

This harrowing experience has taught me that ordinary people can become heroes when called upon. It’s a testament to the power of love, determination, and the unbreakable bond between parent and child. As we continue to heal and process these events, may our story inspire others to find strength in the darkest of times.

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