A Fearless Voice for Israel: Congressman Richie Torres’ Powerful Speech

Standing in Solidarity

As a black Latino gay man from the Bronx, Congressman Richie Torres proudly stands against anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism), rejecting the notion that one must be Jewish to combat it, just as one need not be black to fight racism. He reminds us that we’re all in this together, with an obligation to fight hatred in all its forms, echoing the words of Justice Robert Jackson at the Nuremberg trials.

Condemning the October 7th Atrocity

Torres condemns the October 7th attack as a “crime against humanity” that cannot be ignored or tolerated. He calls for Hamas to be removed from power, the perpetrators brought to justice, and the hostages released, asserting Israel’s right to self-defense against Hamas, just as the U.S. defended itself against al-Qaeda after 9/11.

Criticizing International Bias

Torres criticizes the international community’s overwhelming pressure on Israel while failing to demand Hamas release the hostages, emboldening their delay in ending the war. He sets the record straight – those holding hostages are combatants and terrorists, not civilians or journalists, and those calling for Israel’s violent destruction are pro-war, not pro-peace.

Defending Israel’s Moral Standing

Torres rejects moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel, accusing those who blur the lines between accidents, war crimes, tragedies, and atrocities of politicizing and weaponizing international law. He vows to be an “oasis of moral clarity” and a “fearless truth-teller” in a world of lies and double standards against the Jewish state.

A Zionist’s Resolve

As a proud Zionist, Torres is willing to stand alone for what he believes is right, even if excommunicated from the progressive movement. He shares the hope of a producer who survived the October 7th massacre, that Israel will dance again, outliving its enemies and emerging stronger and more unified.

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