A Miracle Amid Terror: My Harrowing Experience Surviving the October 7th Attack on Our Synagogue

It was supposed to be a normal Shabbat morning. As I arrived at our synagogue in southern Israel at 7:30 AM on October 7th, I could never have imagined the horror that was about to unfold.

The Terrifying Moment Everything Changed

Around 8:00 AM, one of the worshippers burst in, panic etched on his face. “There are terrorists! Take cover!” he shouted. My blood ran cold as the reality of the situation hit me. We were under attack.

Five heavily armed terrorists were circling the building, looking for ways to enter and murder us all. Some of us frantically tried to close the doors, but it was no use. With nowhere else to hide, I rushed with my son to the small bathroom area. We huddled together, pressed tightly in the cramped space. For over an hour, we clung to each other, paralyzed with fear.

Trapped and Defenseless

The scene outside was chaos. Gunfire erupted constantly as the terrorists fired indiscriminately into the synagogue. By some miracle, two of our fellow worshippers – an off-duty soldier and an officer – managed to return fire and keep the terrorists at bay. It was only a matter of time before they broke through.”We’re trapped in here. There’s nowhere to run.” The windows were sealed shut, eliminating any chance of escape. We later learned this likely saved our lives, as terrorists were waiting outside to gun down anyone trying to flee.

Praying for a Miracle

As the minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly, many of us began reciting the Shema prayer. I held my son close, trying to comfort him. “Have faith,” I whispered. “God will protect us.”Despite the dire situation, I never gave up hope that we would somehow survive this nightmare. It’s part of our faith as Jews to believe in miracles, even in the darkest moments.

An Unexpected Reprieve

After what felt like an eternity, the gunfire suddenly stopped. For reasons we may never understand, the terrorists decided to move on without breaching the synagogue. We remained hidden, scarcely daring to breathe until IDF special forces finally arrived to rescue us.

As we emerged, shaken but alive, the full impact of what we’d just lived through hit me. By all logic, we should have perished that day. Our survival truly was nothing short of miraculous.

This experience has left an indelible mark on all of us who were there. While the trauma may fade with time, I’ll never forget those terrifying moments when death seemed certain – or the incredible feeling of relief when we realized we had been spared. Our community has been forever changed by the events of October 7th. But our faith remains unshaken. If anything, this ordeal has only strengthened our resolve and our gratitude for the precious gift of life.

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