A soldier’s life was saved when a bullet struck the Book of Tehillim (Psalms) he carried, lodging inside its pages like a bulletproof vest.

A Message of Gratitude

As I stand here on the Arugot Farm in the southern mountains outside Bethlehem, my heart is filled with gratitude for all of you around the world who have been saying Tehillim (Psalms) for the people of Israel during this war.

Our farm is situated in the mountains of Zif, the very place where King David tended his sheep and composed many of the beautiful psalms found in the Book of Tehillim. It was here in this wilderness that the young shepherd hid from King Saul after slaying Goliath. Little did David know that centuries later, his sacred words would become a spiritual shield protecting the modern-day warriors of Israel.

I was asked to record this video message by one of the leaders of the global Tehillim groups, after witnessing a remarkable incident from the Gaza battlefield. A soldier’s life was miraculously saved when a bullet struck the small Book of Tehillim he carried over his heart, lodging inside its pages like a bulletproof vest. In that moment, the spiritual and physical realms converged in a powerful testament to the protective power of David’s prayers.

The Dual Battlefront

You see, for every physical battle waged by our brave soldiers on the ground, there is a corresponding spiritual war being fought on our behalf by people like you across the world. Just as our military defends Israel’s borders, your recitation of the Tehillim fortifies us with the strength and faith to persevere.

King David himself was both a mighty warrior and a prolific composer of sacred verses. He understood that true victory does not come from might alone, but through aligning our actions with the will of Hashem (G-d). In this conflict, your prayers are as vital as the weapons carried by our soldiers – for they connect us to the Divine source of all protection and deliverance.

When I saw that bullet-pierced Book of Tehillim, I was reminded that your heartfelt recitations are what truly shield our fighters from harm. Was it the physical book that stopped that bullet, or the spiritual potency of the words themselves, amplified by your sincere intentions? To me, it was a profound sign that your Tehillim are an integral part of our defense strategy.

A Shared Calling

So to all of you who have answered the call to recite Tehillim for the Jewish people in this time of crisis, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your prayers transcend borders and oceans, forming an unbreakable bond between us that no enemy can sever.

Whether you are a longtime supporter of Israel or new to this spiritual practice, your contribution is invaluable. Each verse uttered with kavanah (intention) is like a fortifying brick in the wall that guards our nation. Together, we form an unshakable force – our soldiers on the physical front, and you, our cherished allies, holding the spiritual line.

From this ancient land where David composed his immortal psalms, I thank you for your unwavering commitment to our people’s well-being and security. May the words of the sweet singer of Israel continue to unite and protect us, until the day when peace reigns over this promised land.

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