Breaking the Silence: A Call to Stand Up Against Hate | Super Bowl Commercial

Breaking the Silence: A Call to Stand Up Against Hate

Sometimes, I find myself reflecting on what I would write today for my dear friend, Martin Luther King Jr. In these moments, I am reminded of a powerful truth: all hate thrives on one thing—silence. This message is at the heart of the “Silence” ad that debuted during Super Bowl LVIII, featuring Dr. Clarence Jones, a former speechwriter for Dr. King. The ad, part of the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism’s (FCAS) initiative, “Stand Up to Jewish Hate,” is a stirring call to action for all of us to raise our voices against injustice and refuse to be bystanders.

The Power of Speaking Out

In the ad, Dr. Jones poignantly reminds us that the people who will change the nation are those who speak out. They are the ones who refuse to be passive observers in the face of injustice. By raising their voices, they challenge the status quo and inspire others to do the same. This message is not just about combating antisemitism; it is about standing up to all forms of hate. When we confront silence, we confront hate itself.

The ad’s powerful imagery and Dr. Jones’s heartfelt words serve as a reminder that our voices matter. They have the power to create change and foster a more inclusive and accepting world. The FCAS, through its “Stand Up to Jewish Hate” initiative, aims to empower both Jews and non-Jews to become defenders and upstanders for the Jewish community. This initiative is about promoting understanding, empathy, and tolerance among different groups, ultimately striving for a world where everyone feels safe and accepted.

A Legacy of Courage

Dr. Jones’s connection to Dr. King adds a profound layer of significance to the ad. As someone who worked closely with Dr. King, Dr. Jones understands the importance of speaking out against injustice. His words are a continuation of Dr. King’s legacy, reminding us that the fight against hate is far from over. It is a call to action for a new generation to take up the mantle and continue the work of those who came before us.

The ad’s debut during the Super Bowl, one of the most-watched events in the United States, ensures that its message reaches a wide audience. It is a strategic move by the FCAS to maximize the impact of their campaign and encourage as many people as possible to join the fight against hate. By leveraging the platform of the Super Bowl, the FCAS is able to amplify its message and inspire action on a national scale.

Join the Movement

The “Stand Up to Jewish Hate” initiative is more than just an ad campaign; it is a movement. It is a call to action for individuals to take a stand against hate in all its forms. The FCAS provides resources and support for those who want to get involved, offering ways to raise awareness and promote positive change in their communities. By joining this movement, individuals can make a tangible difference in the fight against antisemitism and other forms of hate.

The FCAS’s dedication to combating antisemitism through positive messaging and partnerships is evident in its comprehensive approach. They utilize various platforms, including social media and their website, to spread their message and engage with a diverse audience. Their ultimate goal is to create a more inclusive and accepting world for all, and they are committed to making this vision a reality.


In conclusion, the “Silence” ad featuring Dr. Clarence Jones is a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking out against hate. It calls on all of us to refuse to be bystanders and to raise our voices against injustice. By standing up to silence, we stand up to all forms of hate. The FCAS’s “Stand Up to Jewish Hate” initiative is a vital movement that empowers individuals to make a difference and promotes a more inclusive and accepting world. Let us all take this message to heart and join the fight against hate, continuing the legacy of courage and activism that Dr. King and Dr. Jones have championed.

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