Defending Israel’s Right to Build in Judea and Samaria

As an Israeli living in Samaria, I’ve witnessed firsthand the complex realities of our region. Today, I want to share some thoughts on recent developments that have put Israel at odds with the U.S. administration. Buckle up, folks – we’re diving into the heart of the matter!

The Accusation

The United States is now accusing Israel of threatening peace in the Middle East. Why? Because we dared to legalize the right of Israelis to build new houses in Judea and Samaria. That’s right – apparently, Jewish families moving into our ancestral homeland is now a threat to world peace.

The U.S. Response

The State Department didn’t mince words. Deputy spokesperson Vidant Patel called our actions “detrimental to a two-state solution” and even went as far as to say they’re “inconsistent with international law.” He threatened to use tools at their disposal to “expose and promote accountability” for those who threaten peace and stability in the region.

The Reality on the Ground

Let me tell you something – the idea of a two-state solution doesn’t reflect the reality here in Judea and Samaria. It’s not just practical; it would be downright dangerous for Israel’s security.

A Symbol of Strength: Eviatar

One of the newly legalized towns is Eviatar, and its story is close to my heart. This community was born out of tragedy, established after terrorist attacks claimed Jewish lives. Despite multiple evacuations, the residents of Eviatar persevered. Their determination is a testament to our people’s resilience.

Yosi Dagan, the head of the Samaria Regional Council, put it beautifully: “Eviatar is a symbol… When we connect to our roots and our home, we gain power.” This isn’t just about building houses; it’s about reconnecting with our heritage and drawing strength from it.

The Bigger Picture

Here’s the kicker – while the U.S. is fretting over new homes, they’re also pressuring Israel to release tax funds to the Palestinian Authority. Funds that, mind you, have been used to pay salaries to terrorists who murder Jews. It’s a mind-boggling situation.

A Message to the World

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? As Yosi Dagan said, “Eviatar is our message to the world and to ourselves that the land of Israel belongs to us. We are building it, and we are here to stay.”

And you know what? He’s absolutely right. We’re not just building houses; we’re rebuilding our nation. We’re sending a clear message that despite all the challenges, all the criticism, and all the threats, we will continue to thrive in our ancestral homeland.

To all our supporters out there, I say this: Stand with us. Flood the comments with “Am Yisrael Chai” – the people of Israel live. No matter what accusations are thrown our way, no matter how much pressure we face, we will continue to build, grow, and flourish in the land of Israel.

Remember, folks – in a world full of anti-Israel propaganda, it’s crucial to stay connected to the truth on the ground. And that truth is that we’re here, we’re building, and we’re not going anywhere.

Until next time, this is The Israel Guys, signing off from the heart of Samaria. Am Yisrael Chai!

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