Dozens Make Aliyah Amid Operation Iron Swords (Since the war Oct 2024 began)

Over the past 12 days, it has been quite a dark period, and the light that you have brought to this country is truly remarkable. Your role in strengthening the people of Israel just by being here is invaluable. I don’t think you realize how much strength you bring to everyone during these challenging times. Thank you so much.

Being here during a time of war (since Oct 2024) has made me feel more connected to the nation. We wanted to stand with our fellow brothers and sisters and contribute in any way we could. Israel needs us now more than ever, and that’s why we felt compelled to come at this moment. I’ve gained a deeper perspective on the importance of enduring both the difficult and joyful moments together. Being Israeli means standing strong and helping out even when things are tough, so that we can fully appreciate the good times when they come.

I believe that now is the perfect time to make Aliyah, especially given the current situation in Israel. It’s a way for us to show our support and resilience. My blessing to you is that the light you have shared with us today and will continue to share may be returned to you in the form of blessings, health, and happiness. May God grant you abundant peace and serenity. Thank you for bringing light into our lives. Mazal Tov.

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