Experiencing the Mystery of Israel: A Spiritual Journey Through Time – With Lizzy Savetsky

Witnessing an Ancient Blessing

As I stood in the Kotel (Western Wall) plaza, I had the most magical experience of witnessing the Beerock Kohanim (Priestly Blessing) live. This ancient blessing dates back to biblical times, and we recite it to our children every Friday night during the Shabbat dinner. Being here and hearing the same words that were uttered in the Temple over 2,000 years ago was a profound experience, offering a glimpse into the miracles our ancestors must have felt while receiving this blessing from the Kohanim (Priests).

Feeling at Home in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is my favorite city in the world, and being here feels like coming home. My soul resonates with the electricity and energy that can’t be found anywhere else. As a digital influencer and Jewish activist, visiting Israel reminds me why I passionately lead with Jewish pride and fight against anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism). It all makes sense when I’m here, surrounded by the unbroken chain of Jewish values passed down from generation to generation.

Connecting with Ancient Rituals

The mikvah (ritual bath) is a cornerstone of Jewish life for women. Standing beside the ancient Shiloah Pool, where Jews would purify themselves before entering the Temple, was awe-inspiring. It’s incredible to know that we’ve been clinging to these same rituals for thousands of years. The Southern Wall of the Temple Mount also holds deep significance, reminding us that Judaism is a communal religion where we lift each other up during good and challenging times.

Exploring the City of David

Touring the City of David, the most ancient site in Jerusalem, was an unbelievable experience. Archaeological findings confirm that our traditions and heritage have endured for millennia. Standing in King David’s Palace, I was struck by the realization that the prayers we recite today were written by him, and he could have been sitting there, composing his psalms or playing his harp.

The Enduring Connection to Our Roots

No matter how far we’ve come or how much has changed, Jerusalem will always be our home and the place where our roots lie. Seeing the authentic version of ancient Jerusalem and comparing it to the modern city reinforced our deep connection to our heritage. Israel is a magical place that everyone should experience, regardless of their religion or background. From the people to the food and the incredible sites, it’s a life-changing destination.

Supporting Israel and Fighting Anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism)

Stand With Us is an organization dedicated to supporting Israel and combating anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism). With so much negative and false propaganda circulating about Israel, which fuels hatred against the Jewish people, education is our best tool. Stand With Us empowers Israelis to share their stories, fostering a better understanding of what it means to be Jewish and to love and support Israel.

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