In this compelling video, Sapir Cohen shares her harrowing experience of being held hostage by Hamas. Despite being in a dark place of fear, death, and sadness, she managed to find a source of happiness and light. Sapir Cohen made a conscious decision to bring joy into her environment, particularly for a younger teenager also held captive alongside her. Her profound happiness was so palpable that even her captors took notice. In the midst of one of the bleakest scenarios imaginable, Sapir Cohen discovered her purpose – to bring positivity and happiness into a world consumed by darkness. She realized that each person is inherently meant to contribute to the concept of “tikkun olam,” which translates to repairing a broken world. By embodying this principle, Sapir Cohen was able to sow seeds of joy and compassion in the midst of chaos and suffering. Her story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of finding purpose and spreading happiness even in the most challenging of circumstances.