Holocaust Survivor Shlomo Mantzur Is Still In Hamas Captivity On Holocaust Remembrance Day May 5, 2024

Stand strong Shlomo ! we love you

I pray for this man, by name, daily.

Nooooo. What a world! Bring him home. Prayers for this lovely man.

Prayers for you, Shlomo and FamilyOh GOD,Pls bring him back home!?!

how heartbreaking and sad. We all must pray for Shlomo. Know you are loved

Old people are so defenseless. My heart hurts for them no less than for the children. May God grant that Shlomo returns home

I Can’t Take It How Bad The World Is. We Are Holocaust Survivors. How Much Can They Hate Us

We Just Want To Live In Peace. We Gave Everything They Wanted. Money Gaza Jobs Water Electricity. Everything. We Trusted Them


Bring them home…holocaust survivors have already suffer worse of the worst…

Makes me weep. What a guy..

Free the world from the cruelty of Palestine

If some one there in gaza has a heart: let this man free!!!

God Bless You

Bring him home!

why my God why for all the hostages please a sign there safe praying for it is so cruel from the Netherlands

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