How I Found My Place in the Fight Against Antisemitism (Jewish Racism)

Discovering the AJC

In November 2019, I had the opportunity to meet a couple of local American Jewish Committee (AJC) board members in Seattle. They suggested I have a conversation with the regional director. During our meeting, I shared my frustrations about the growing acceptance of antisemitism (Jewish Racism), especially at the local level. The director mentioned she had an op-ed running in the local newspaper that weekend, specifically calling on the mayor to break her silence on antisemitism (Jewish Racism). I remarked that this would likely anger many people, to which she confidently replied, “Absolutely.” I knew then that this was my kind of organization.

Balancing Family and Advocacy

As a parent of two young children, they are the driving force behind everything I do. The most visibly Jewish activity they participate in is attending Hebrew school. Our Sundays typically involve going to Hebrew school, grabbing a donut, and then heading home. However, the overpass near our house has become a regular protest site for pro-Palestinian demonstrators, waving flags and receiving honks of solidarity from passing cars.

Explaining Complex Issues to My Kids

My kids have started to notice these protests and ask questions, struggling to understand why people would respond this way to a nation trying to defend itself. This situation has become a visceral part of our neighborhood and community, making it challenging for my children to reconcile their Jewish identity and Zionism with the hostility they witness.

The Role of the AJC

The AJC empowers its leaders to have a vision and pursue it, backed by a global organization with extensive resources. This support has been crucial in helping me navigate the complexities of advocating for Jewish rights and combating antisemitism (Jewish Racism), while also raising my children to be proud of their heritage and beliefs.


Joining the AJC has provided me with a platform to address antisemitism (Jewish Racism) head-on and advocate for a safer, more understanding community. It has also given me the tools to educate my children about their identity and the importance of standing up for their beliefs, even in the face of adversity.

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