I Will Bless Those Who Bless Israel

Throughout Jubilee, as we emerge from the sacred observances of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, I’ve been emphasizing the significance of this juncture. As Sukkot draws to a close, we anticipate the onset of the latter rain—an era marked by signs, wonders, and miracles. But here’s the thing: every time God orchestrates a profound spiritual awakening, He also bestows financial blessings that align perfectly with His divine plan.

Now, let me make one thing crystal clear: I don’t care who you voted for. The fact that you’re here, engaging with this message, is a testament to God’s calling upon your life in this very moment. We have absolute conviction that America will stand unwaveringly beside Israel. And why is this assurance so vital? Because it’s not just about geopolitics—it’s about aligning ourselves with the promises of Almighty God.

You see, God Himself declares: “I will bless those who bless Israel, and I will curse those who curse Israel.” It’s a timeless covenant, a sacred bond between the Almighty and His chosen people. And as we stand firm in our support for Israel, we position ourselves to receive the abundant blessings that flow from obedience to God’s word.

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