Israel at War – P. Larry Huch in Israel – November 2023

Oh, God… This little girl… her dreams, her stories, all in here. Where is she now?  These people, these families… gone. Evaporated.  And they dare to call it a lie? Can’t they see the fear etched in these pages? The echo of sirens that never truly fades?

We are here! We are hurting, yes, but our spirit? Unbreakable! Because of you! Because of the love, the support, and the solidarity that flows from places like New Beginnings Church!  These children… fleeing one warzone, only to be thrust into another.  But look at them! Look at their smiles! It’s a testament to the incredible people here and the unwavering friends of Israel around the world!

We will not be silenced!  From the highest office to the lone viewer at home, we stand with you, Israel!  May God protect you, and may He guide your enemies toward compassion!  May He grant safe passage for the captives, for the children!  We will do everything in our power to bring them home! Every donation, every drop of blood… a lifeline, a prayer!

This little girl… a symbol of innocence caught in the crossfire.  We will not forget. We will not rest until peace returns.  We will rebuild, together. Hallelujah!

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