Israel’s Fight Against Hamas: A Firsthand Account by Benjamin Netanyahu | PT 3

The Psychological Warfare of Hamas

When I reviewed the videos Hamas was pushing out, I noticed a disturbing trend – a disproportionate number showed them violating Israeli women. It seemed like a calculated move, a twisted psychological warfare tactic to send the message that they can’t protect our women. The ultimate insult and cowardice. But it went beyond that. They were proudly showcasing the beheading of women they had raped. A monstrosity that should have women’s organizations up in arms, but their reaction was eerily muted. Just perfunctory statements when forced, nothing more. The absurd anti-Israel attitude on full display. 

The Double Standards

Look, we’ve unfortunately had to kill around 14,000 terrorists because they use human shields. Tragically, around 16,000 civilians have also died as Hamas won’t let them leave at gunpoint. For us, every civilian death is a tragedy. For them, it’s a strategy. Yet where were the protests when millions were killed in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq? Where were the campus demonstrations? Nowhere, because it’s not about what we do, it’s about who we are. An anti-Semitic explosion that threatens all civilization. 

The Rising Anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism)

Anti-Semitic activity in America has gone up a whopping 360% since October 7th, and it was already high before that. Why? I think it’s a fusion of radical Islam and the ultra-anarchist left. The only thing they agree on is that Israel and America must be destroyed. Thankfully, mainstream Americans reject this. Polls show 80% favor Israel over Hamas in this conflict, and that number has been rock steady despite 90% of media coverage being negative towards us. The American people understand what these terrorists say – that Israel is just a small America. 

The Mission to Defeat Hamas

My goals haven’t changed – get the hostages back, eliminate Hamas, and protect against this happening again. We’ve destroyed 20 of their 24 terrorist battalions, but we must take out the remaining four in Rafa. Leaving them intact would be like the Allies stopping short of defeating Nazi Germany, leaving part of their army operational. History would be different, and this conflict would repeat itself over and over. Rational people understand we have no choice. 

The Support and Opposition

I’ve met hostage families torn apart by Hamas, their sole focus being getting their loved ones back safely. While some leaders privately agree Hamas must be stopped, others oppose going into Rafa, even suggesting we’re using bombs on population centers – a blatant lie. President Biden and I have disagreed before, and I hope we can overcome our current disagreement. But I assure you, we have more than just fingernails to fight with. We’ll be victorious because we must secure our future. In the Holocaust, we stood alone and defenseless. Today, if we must stand alone against our enemies, we’ll do so – but we’re not alone. We have decent people everywhere who support us and understand the truth. And that truth is, Hamas must be defeated.

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