My Experience Fighting in Gaza

For the past five weeks, I have been engaged in a tense battle with Hamas in Gaza. It has been a decade since I left the Army, but on October 7th, after Hamas brutally attacked and killed 1,400 Israeli civilians, my unit was swiftly called back into action. Without hesitation, we geared up, put on our uniforms, and were immediately thrust onto the front lines to defend against those who sought to inflict as much harm as possible.

Upon arriving in Gaza, the devastation and horror that had befallen the Palestinian people was evident. Their lives were torn apart, and their homes were destroyed as casualties of this ongoing conflict. While we, as Israelis, are obligated to protect our families with pride, there lies within me a deep desire to see our nation use its power to resolve this conflict rather than merely reacting to its symptoms.

As reservists, many of my comrades in arms are now husbands and fathers, juggling families, careers, and numerous responsibilities. Despite the heavy burden on their shoulders, they stand strong, united in purpose. However, too many have paid the ultimate price beside us. We understand why we had to leave our lives behind, and we will not return until we have secured a safe reality for our loved ones.

As a sniper in the airborne paratrooper reserves, our unit was tasked with entering Southern Gaza, specifically the dangerous stronghold of Kanun. Our mission was clear: combat Hamas fighters, uncover their transportation tunnels, rescue captives, secure supply routes, seize weapons, and gather vital intelligence to bring an end to this conflict.

In the midst of urban warfare, we ventured into countless homes during combat operations, only to discover Hamas propaganda aimed at perpetuating hatred and division. Books instructing children to kill Jews, posters glorifying terrorists, and Nazi-inspired imagery fueling a cycle of animosity and despair. It is these ideologies of zero-sum game narratives that perpetuate conflict, leading to unnecessary loss of life on both sides.

War is not the solution but a manifestation of unresolved issues and the failures to create a just reality for all. Israelis and Palestinians are not enemies, but family, with shared genetic ancestry and cultural bonds. Fighting in Gaza does not equate to fighting our Palestinian brothers and sisters; rather, it is about liberating them from the oppression of Hamas’s dictatorship and extremist ideology.

Once Hamas is ousted, we can move closer to a shared reality where injustices are rectified, and aspirations can be achieved for all. It is only through mutual understanding, empathy, and a commitment to coexistence that we can pave the path towards lasting peace in the region.

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