My Time as National Security Advisor: Why Israel Matters to America

As the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States from 2019 to 2021, I spent two years laser-focused on one critical mission: keeping our nation safe. And let me tell you, when you’re in that role, you can’t help but think about Israel a whole lot. Why? Because this tiny country, not much bigger than New Jersey, plays an outsized role in America’s security and international politics.

The Strategic Importance of Israel

Israel’s location in the Middle East puts it smack dab in the middle of one of the world’s toughest neighborhoods. If World War III ever kicks off, there’s a good chance it’ll start right there. Take Iran, for example. They’re not exactly subtle about their nuclear ambitions or their desire to wipe Israel off the map. As a former Iranian president chillingly put it, Israel is a “one bomb country.”Now, Jerusalem isn’t about to sit back and let Tehran build nukes, and neither should we. It doesn’t take a national security expert to see why this matters to America. Israel is our close ally, and Iranian nukes would throw the world into chaos.

Why We Invest in Israel’s Defense

People often ask me, “Why do we give Israel $4 billion a year in security assistance when they already have a strong military?” The answer is simple: Israel’s strong military is partly because we’re their partner, and our investment in their defense is an investment in our own security. If we don’t want Middle East problems like Iranian aggression to reach our shores, we need to stop them there. Israel is helping us hold that line.

Israel’s History of Survival

Israel’s modern history is one of constant conflict. They’ve fought three major wars for survival: the Arab-Israeli War in 1948, the Six-Day War in 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Israel has come out on top every time, thanks in no small part to U.S. support. But make no mistake, it’s Israel that’s paid the heaviest price in blood and tears.

The Birthplace of Western Civilization

Beyond security, Israel’s heritage is crucial. It’s the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, and by extension, Western civilization. We’re talking Abraham, Moses, Jesus – the whole gang. That’s why hundreds of thousands of Americans visit Israel every year. It’s about connecting with our deepest roots.

Israel: The Startup Nation

But Israel isn’t just about ancient history. They’re killing it in the modern world too. Known as the “Startup Nation,” Israel is a powerhouse of innovation in tech, medicine, and other sciences. Tel Aviv gives Silicon Valley a run for its money. The tech you use every day, from your computer to your phone, likely has Israeli fingerprints all over it.

My Personal Connection to Israel

Now, let me get personal for a second. Israel holds a special place in my heart. I love its vibrant democracy, its mix of modern and traditional life, and the energy of its people. I’ve been to over 75 countries, but Israel feels like home in a way the others don’t.

Israel’s Legitimacy

Let’s address the elephant in the room: Israel’s legitimacy. We don’t question the right of other countries to exist, so why is Israel singled out? It’s an ancient country that now thrives as a modern democracy, established by the UN in 1947. Nine million people – Jews, Christians, and Muslims – call it home. Israel is, and always will be.In conclusion, our partnership with Israel isn’t just about history or sentiment. It’s a strategic necessity in a volatile world. As your former National Security Advisor, I can tell you that supporting Israel is crucial for America’s security. It’s not just the right thing to do – it’s the smart thing to do.

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