Screams Before Silence | Believe Jewish Women | Exposing the Truth Behind October 7th

I’ve seen my fair share of shocking stories. But let me tell you, folks, what happened on October 7th in Israel is something that’ll make your blood run cold. It’s a tale of unspeakable horror that’s been swept under the rug by too many people, and it’s high time we shine a light on the truth.

The Brutal Reality of October 7th

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “Oh, here we go again with another Israel-Palestine story.” But hold your horses, because this isn’t about politics or taking sides. This is about facing the cold, hard facts of what happened that day. We’re talking about a planned, systematic attack that involved rape, genital mutilation, and unimaginable violence against women, men, and even children. It’s enough to make your stomach turn, but we can’t look away. We can’t pretend it didn’t happen.

The Power of Denial

You know what really gets my goat? The fact that there are people out there trying to deny or downplay what happened. They’ll say, “Oh, it wasn’t that bad,” or “Israel’s done worse.” Let me tell you something, folks: there’s no “yeah, but” when it comes to rape and torture. We’ve spent decades fighting to recognize rape as a war crime, a crime against humanity. And now, in our polarized world, we’re seeing people backtrack on that progress. It’s like we’ve taken a giant leap backward, and it’s downright unacceptable.

The Hostage Crisis Continues

Here’s something that’ll keep you up at night: as we speak, there are still hostages being held in Gaza. And from what we’ve heard from released hostages, these poor souls are being sexually assaulted as we speak. Half of the hostages one woman met in captivity had already been sexually assaulted months ago. It’s a nightmare that’s still unfolding.

Where’s the Outrage?

Now, I’ve got to ask: where are the marches? Where are the protests? After 9/11, we saw Americans come together against a common enemy. But with Hamas? Crickets. Nobody’s out there screaming, “Bring them back!” It’s like we’ve lost our moral compass, folks. We’re so caught up in our own political divisions that we can’t even agree that rape and torture are wrong, no matter who’s doing it or why.

Seeing is Believing

Let me tell you about a scene from this documentary that’ll haunt you. There’s this guy, Rami, a real-life hero who saved hundreds of people on October 7th. He walked through a field where he found women’s bodies tied to trees, raped and killed. This isn’t some Hollywood movie, folks. This is real life, and it happened just a few months ago.

The Bigger Picture

Here’s the kicker: this isn’t just about Israel. Hamas and their buddies aren’t just saying “Death to Israel.” They’re saying “Death to America” too. This is a challenge to our way of life, to democracy, to equality for women everywhere.

A Personal Wake-Up Call

You know, as a Jewish person myself, I never thought I’d see the day when I’d have to tell my kid to hide their Star of David. But here we are, folks. Anti-Semitism is on the rise, and it’s not just in some far-off land. It’s right here in our backyard.

Standing Together Against Hate

So, what do we do? We stand up. We speak out. We believe these women and their stories. We stand against hate of all kinds, including anti-Semitism. And we do it together – men and women, Jews and non-Jews, people of all religions and backgrounds. Because at the end of the day, folks, we’re all in this together. That’s what America is all about. We’ve all come from somewhere else, running from something. And now, we’ve got nowhere else to go. We’ve got to stand together and face this threat head-on. So, I’m asking you, no, I’m begging you: watch this documentary. Whether you believe it or not, watch it. Because the truth is out there, and it’s high time we all faced it.

Click Here | Screams Before Silence: A Documentary on the Horrors of October 7

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