Sophia Khalifa: My Life in Israel as an Arab Muslim | Stories of Us

Israel has provided me with everything – I am a result of the harmony between Jews and Arabs, showcasing how we can coexist peacefully as brothers and sisters. My name is Sophia Salma Khalifa, a Muslim Arab raised in Israel. As a mother of two with a master’s degree from Stanford University, my journey is rooted in my upbringing in Israel. Raised by my single mom in the Jewish town of Naria in northern Israel, I was one of nine siblings supported by the Israeli welfare system. This support was crucial as my mom worked hard to provide for us.

Living in Israel, a diverse and robust multiethnic democracy, around 20% of the population consists of Arab Muslims like myself, alongside Christian Arabs and Jews. In Israel, Arab citizens enjoy equal rights, and access to education, healthcare, welfare, and protection, just like Jewish citizens do.

Growing up, my understanding of Jews was shaped by a Muslim teacher who portrayed them negatively as land stealers, discouraging us from pursuing our dreams. However, my personal interactions with Jewish individuals painted a different picture – they were kind, and loving, and treated me as their friend, regardless of my background. These experiences challenged the negative narrative I was taught.

A pivotal moment for me was when a friend expressed a desire to become a suicide bomber. This shook me to the core and made me realize the importance of breaking free from toxic ideologies. Later, I found an unexpected opportunity in modeling, which led me to travel and broaden my horizons.

Despite facing challenges and familial opposition, I embraced empowerment and chose to speak out against oppressive norms, especially for Arab women. Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 aimed to pave the way for peace and prosperity, yet Hamas’ destructive actions soon followed, undermining the potential progress.

It is essential to shed light on the truth and complexities of the situation in Israel and Gaza. The influence of extremist ideologies that incite hate and violence must be exposed. As a proud Arab Muslim, I stand for justice and truth, advocating for a peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs. All voices must be heard and understood to foster genuine peace and understanding.

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