The Battle for Civilization: A First-Person Perspective on the Conflict in Israel | PT 2

I’ve been very outspoken about what’s happening on college campuses across America. Frankly, I’m shocked. These institutions are fostering intellectual rot and failing to teach critical thinking. When people characterize what Hamas did as “resistance” rather than an invasion, it’s clear they don’t understand the gravity of the situation. Hamas openly declares its goal to wipe out Israel, to kill every man, woman, and child, and to destroy the state. This is not resistance; it’s naked, brutal aggression. Iran echoes the same sentiment, aiming to destroy Israel and, by extension, all of Western civilization. They see us as the “small Satan” and the United States as the “big Satan.” By protecting ourselves, we are also protecting free civilization and Western culture from being erased.

The Intellectual Rot on American Campuses

What’s happening on American campuses and in cities is alarming. Many people there are ignorant of history, with their understanding barely extending beyond breakfast. They don’t have the faintest clue about Hamas. I’ve seen banners like “Gays for Gaza” and “Women for Gaza,” but if you’re gay in Gaza, you’re likely to be shot. Women in Gaza face severe oppression. The slogan “From the River to the Sea” is a call for the genocide of Israelis, yet it’s being supported on these campuses. This reflects the sorry state of American higher education, even in prestigious schools. When university presidents say that calls for the genocide of Jews depend on the context, it shows a deep intellectual and moral bankruptcy.

Manipulation and Ignorance

Many of these students are manipulated by groups that are not just opposed to Israel but also to America. I saw American flags being burned on one campus and replaced with Palestinian flags on another, while chants of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” rang out. However, I was deeply moved when American students took down the Palestinian flag, raised the American flag, and protected it. This emphasizes that this battle is not just ours; it’s a battle for all democracies and civilizations against barbarism. The vast majority of Americans do not support these extreme views. They recognize Israel as an ally and understand that this conflict will not stop with Israeli Jews or American Jews but will extend to all Westerners.

The Personal Connection

When asked what I expect when sitting down with the Prime Minister, I say, “Don’t let the suit fool you.” This gentleman has served in the IDF twice, has been injured multiple times, and lost his brother in a rescue mission. He knows the stakes. He also knows America, having studied at MIT and earned degrees in architecture and management. He was the youngest Prime Minister at 46 and is now the longest-serving. He has made peace deals with several Arab countries, expanding the circle of peace with the help of the United States. Many Arab leaders, even if they don’t say it publicly, want to see Hamas defeated because they understand that Hamas and Iran also target them.

The Psychology of Conflict

What did Hamas hope to gain on October 7th? They cannot realistically expect to wipe out Israel or all the Jews. They would if they could, but they can’t. This is a death cult that glorifies murder and death. They teach their children that the greatest thing they can do is murder Jews and Israelis. This irrational impulse dominates their actions, much like the hatred that fueled the Holocaust. The difference now is that we can defend ourselves. We have the Israeli Army and brave soldiers who can push back. The intent of our enemies remains the same, but our capability to defend ourselves has changed.

The Broader Implications

If we don’t win here, other forces, like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Shiite radicals in Iraq and Syria, will surround us. We must also hold back Iran’s plans to achieve nuclear weapons. These are our two greatest goals. This battle is not just about Israel; it’s about the future of Western civilization. We must stand strong and united, recognizing that this is a fight for our shared values and way of life.

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