The Conflict Between Israel and Hamas | PT 1

Jerusalem: The Heart of Three Faiths and a Center of Conflict

I stand in the city of Jerusalem, the holiest place in the world, sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and much later in history, to Islam. This city is also the center stage for a war that began when the terrorist organization Hamas perpetrated a brutal massacre against primarily Israeli citizens. This murderous attack saw the most Jews slaughtered in a single day since the Holocaust, with approximately 1,200 killed, including many women, children, and elderly, all unarmed, as well as over 4,000 wounded. Approximately 250 civilians were kidnapped and, as evidenced by the video, beaten, brutalized, and thrown into inhospitable imprisonment, to say the least. It is believed that there are still 132 hostages currently in Hamas captivity, although it is unknown how many are actually alive.

The Conflict Between Israel and Hamas

This war is between Israel, the Jewish homeland, and Hamas, a terrorist group that has taken over the territory known as the Gaza Strip, which Israel gave up in a goodwill effort for peace in 2005. The Gaza Strip is occupied by Palestinians, many of whom willingly harbor the terrorists or are at least sympathizers, while others are clearly trapped in a bad situation. This unprovoked October 7th genocide and Israel’s predictable response is also dividing the world, as evidenced by the out-of-control protests seen on too many college campuses across America.

The Divisive Impact on College Campuses

I was present on the UCLA campus recently, speaking with Jewish students and Israeli Jewish students throughout the day and for the takedown of the pro-Palestinian encampment late into the night. Masquerading as exercising their right to free speech, these UCLA protesters, along with others on campuses across the nation, have resorted to threats, intimidation, and physical assault to suppress pro-Israeli counterparts.

The Complexity of the Situation in Gaza

Going even deeper into the roots of this story dominating the world stage, I sit down for a no-holds-barred, in-depth interview with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, unedited and commercial-free from Jerusalem. An interview taking place at perhaps the most critical time in this conflict, a conflict with implications the world over.

The Brutality of Hamas

Prime Minister Netanyahu shared harrowing details of the brutality inflicted by Hamas. He described how Hamas terrorists hide among civilians, using them as human shields, a double war crime that makes Israel’s task so much more difficult. No army in the world has faced the task of dealing with 35,000 to 40,000 armed terrorists in a dense urban area, both above and below ground, who have taken hostages and murdered some of them.

The Resilience of the Israeli People

Despite the ongoing conflict, the Israeli people are holding up incredibly well. They are strong, united, and understand that they face a genocidal enemy that must be defeated to assure their future. Netanyahu emphasized that Israel is not only fighting Hamas but also the entire Iran terror axis, which openly declares its goal to destroy Israel and effect another Holocaust.

The Global Response and Criticism

Netanyahu addressed the global criticism Israel faces, particularly regarding civilian casualties. He highlighted the extraordinary measures Israel takes to avoid civilian casualties, such as dropping pamphlets, making phone calls, and sending text messages to warn civilians to leave areas targeted for military action. Despite these efforts, the media often portrays Israel unfavorably.

The Historical and Religious Significance of Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s significance to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam cannot be overstated. The city is home to the Western Wall, the last remaining piece of the Second Holy Temple, and the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism and the third holiest site in Islam. For Christians, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre marks the site of Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.


The conflict between Israel and Hamas is a complex and deeply rooted issue with significant historical, religious, and political implications. As the world watches, it is crucial to understand the multifaceted nature of this conflict and the profound impact it has on the people of Jerusalem and beyond.

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