The Deafening Silence: A Call to Stand with Israel and the Jewish People

The Pain of Silence

Hey, folks, let’s get real for a moment. There’s a silence that’s louder than any shout, and it’s coming from our so-called friends. Right now, the Jewish people and Israel are facing a storm of challenges. Since October 7th, the suffering has been relentless. Hostages are still not free, the war rages on, and attacks from Hezbollah in northern Israel are escalating. And let’s not forget the rising tide of anti-Semitism on college campuses and communities worldwide. Yet, where are the voices of our friends? Silent. And that’s a tough pill to swallow.

A History of Standing Up

Here’s the kicker: Jews have always been at the forefront of the fight for civil rights and social justice. Despite making up just 2% of the U.S. population, American Jews have been allies in countless struggles, playing a disproportionate role in advancing social justice. From civil rights to women’s rights, and workers’ rights to LGBTQ+ rights, Jews have been there, joining and founding organizations, leading legal battles, and driving grassroots movements.

Jews as Allies in Civil Rights

Did you know that Jews have been proud partners in healing the world for over a century? Many Jews joined forces with Black Americans in the civil rights struggle. The NAACP and Urban League? Co-founded and funded by American Jews. During the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer, about half of the white northern volunteers were Jewish, as were nearly half of the civil rights attorneys in the South fighting for justice for Black Americans. That’s right, Jews have been there, standing shoulder to shoulder in the fight for equality.

Contributions Beyond Borders

And it’s not just in the U.S. In Israel, the Jewish state has made significant contributions to developing countries through international aid and development programs focused on agriculture, water management, healthcare, and technology. Israel has shown up with large rescue teams during natural disasters like earthquakes in Haiti, Nepal, Mexico, Turkey, India, Albania, and tsunamis in Sri Lanka and Japan. Even in Surfside, Florida, after an apartment building collapsed, Israel was there, joining the rescue efforts.

Standing Against Terrorism and Hate

Even as Israel fights genocidal Hamas terrorists, Israelis and Jews worldwide have joined efforts to get critical humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza. Supporting innocent people in Gaza should never stop you from standing with Israel and the Jewish people against terrorism and hate. So, what’s really bothering us Jews and Israelis right now? It’s the silence from our friends. Silence about the rapes, torture, murder, and kidnapping. Silence about the hostages. Silence about Iran-backed terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah attacking Israel and threatening more attacks.

A Call to Action

If you’re not Jewish and you’re speaking up, thank you. But if you’re not, and you care, please stand up and be counted among the vocal friends of Jews and the state of Israel now. Because we will always be there for you, and it’s the right thing to do.

Conclusion: Breaking the Silence

So, can you hear us? We keep talking about this issue of discrimination and harassment against Jewish students, businesses, and people on the streets of too many cities around the world. I know for a fact that if non-Jewish students from marginalized communities were being treated like this, Jews on campus would not be silent. It’s time to break the silence and stand together. Let’s make some noise, folks.

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