The Disturbing Reality of Anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism) on College Campuses

Indoctrination and Dehumanization

I’ve witnessed firsthand the disturbing anti-Semitism (Jewish Racism) plaguing college campuses across America. Students are being indoctrinated with the false narrative that Jews are “colonizers” and “white supremacists,” dehumanizing them and justifying violence. This propaganda originates from the Islamic Republic, which has been priming Western leftists for decades to view Israel and Jews as the ultimate evil oppressors. The process begins by avoiding explicitly mentioning “Jews,” instead using coded language like “Zionists” or “colonizers.” Once this dehumanization is established, any atrocity against the dehumanized group becomes permissible in the minds of the indoctrinated. This tactic is reminiscent of the rhetoric used during the Holocaust and slavery eras.

Fetishizing Oppression

Alarmingly, many students have fetishized oppression, glamorizing and attempting to recreate the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. They live in tents resembling refugee camps, claim to need “humanitarian aid,” and identify with the supposed oppression of Hamas – an organization they likely knew nothing about months prior. This fetishization stems from the radical left’s binary view of the world as oppressors (evil white supremacists) and the oppressed (people of color). Being oppressed has become desirable, leading privileged Ivy League students to shed their privilege and cosplay as the impoverished and war-torn, oblivious to the reality they’re romanticizing.

The Long Game

What we’re witnessing is the manifestation of the Islamic Republic’s long game – the systematic indoctrination of America from within. By exploiting universities and radicalizing students, they’ve created a fifth column that threatens to destabilize the nation. If left unchecked, this internal erosion leaves America vulnerable to foreign adversaries. The evidence is clear: blood-splattered walls, bullet-ridden safe rooms, and firsthand accounts of the brutality inflicted by Hamas and their Iranian backers. Yet, students celebrate these atrocities, either because the victims were Jewish or because they’ve been brainwashed to view such acts as “resistance.”

A Wake-Up Call

Witnessing intelligent students at elite universities succumb to such vile indoctrination is deeply concerning. These institutions are supposed to foster critical thinking, not regurgitate propaganda. If we cannot open the eyes of the next generation to the truth, America’s future is in grave peril from those seeking to exploit our internal divisions.

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