The Disturbing Reality of Campus Protests and Indoctrination

Witnessing the Chaos Firsthand

I was there when the chaos unfolded at UCLA’s campus around 3:30 AM. As the police and SWAT units moved in to dismantle the protesters’ camp, their top priority was ensuring the safety of these misguided individuals, even offering them multiple chances to leave peacefully. It was a surreal scene, watching these young students being exploited by older agitators who were actively trying to provoke violence for their own agenda of creating drama and media spectacles.

The Roots of Indoctrination

These students have been indoctrinated to shed their own identities and assume the role of the “oppressed” in a bid for social validation and praise. Tragically, they have been brainwashed to embrace anti-Semitic ideologies, chanting vile slogans like “death to Israel” and telling Jewish students to “go back to Poland” – a haunting reference to the Holocaust. Their ignorance is staggering; they don’t even understand the cultural significance of the Middle Eastern attire they don or the causes they claim to support.

The Puppet Masters Pulling the Strings

This well-organized and heavily funded movement has tentacles reaching from California to New York, with consistent branding, placards, and even tents supplied by deep-pocketed donors like the Rockefeller Brothers, George Soros, and Westpac. Rumors swirl about the Muslim Brotherhood bankrolling these campus organizers, given their historical ties to Hamas. But the true agenda seems to be silencing any voices that dare expose this indoctrination campaign, labeling them as supporters of genocide for simply drawing distinctions between peaceful protests and hate-fueled extremism.

A Wake-Up Call for Critical Thinking

As I witness this disturbing reality unfold on our campuses, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of unease. The lack of critical thinking, the sweeping indoctrination, and the public’s prickly response to common sense are alarming signs that we may be far from waking up to this dangerous phenomenon. It’s time for us to open our eyes, think for ourselves, and reject the hatred and division being sown by those who seek to exploit our youth for their own nefarious ends.

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