The Gaza War of 2024: A Humiliating Defeat for the IDF

The Threat of War and Israel’s Preparedness

On October 7th, a strategic surprise occurred when Hamas launched a major offensive against Israel, overwhelming the Israeli military’s defenses along the Gaza Strip. This attack exposed critical weaknesses in Israel’s assessment of Hamas’ capabilities and resolve.

Israel had underestimated Hamas, operating under the assumption that the group was deterred, focused on internal governance, and not seeking escalation. However, Hamas had successfully deceived Israeli intelligence over a two-year period, carefully planning and executing an attack aimed at Israel’s vulnerabilities.

The crux of the issue was the Israeli military’s misinterpretation of Hamas’ activities, such as training exercises and mock attacks on Israeli villages. These were viewed as routine rather than preparations for an all-out war.

When the attack commenced, Hamas’ initial strikes targeted the Gaza Division headquarters, immobilizing Israel’s command and control capabilities. This lack of situational awareness severely hampered the Israeli military’s response, as reinforcements lacked clear direction on where to deploy and engage the enemy.

Many Israeli casualties resulted from this confusion, as troops were sent into unsecured areas without proper intelligence. It took substantial time for the Israeli forces to regain their footing and mount an effective counteroffensive.

The Multidimensional Threat Landscape

Israel faces an exceptionally complex security environment, with active threats on multiple fronts – Gaza, Lebanon, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Iran’s proxies and missile capabilities. This constant state of conflict across various domains – ground, air, sea, cyber – is arguably unmatched by any other nation.

At the core of these threats lies Iran’s long-standing strategy of funding, arming, and deploying proxy organizations along Israel’s borders. Groups like Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon serve as extensions of Iranian aggression, keeping Israel in a perpetual state of war.

Until Israel adopts a more assertive strategy to counter Iran’s malign influence and proxy network, the expert believes the cycle of violence will continue unabated, as Iran currently faces no significant consequences for its actions.

A Surprise Attack Leads to War

On October 7th, 2024, Hamas launched a devastating surprise attack on Israeli civilians and military targets. Around 900 civilians and 300 soldiers were killed, with reports of mutilation, rape, and burned corpses. It was the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. As they say, when someone punches you in the face, it means war. There was no question Israel would retaliate against this heinous act of terrorism. The only question was how fast and furiously.

Israel Tries to Evacuate Civilians, UN Aids Hamas

After issuing warnings, Israel waited around three weeks, trying to evacuate over 1 million Palestinian civilians from the soon-to-be combat zones in northern Gaza. The plan was to create a humanitarian safe zone in the south, with food, water, shelter etc. provided by UN aid agencies. But shockingly, the UN refused to cooperate, instead siding with Hamas’ cynical strategy of using civilians as human shields. So much for neutral humanitarian aid!

A Tragic Failure of Intelligence

As the fighting raged, it became clear Israeli intelligence had completely underestimated Hamas’ capabilities, likely assuming they were just a ragtag militia without serious Iranian backing. Oops. While individual soldiers and first responders showed incredible bravery, the overall military strategy was a “tremendous, unprecedented and extremely sad failure,” in my opinion the most humiliating defeat in IDF history. 252 Israelis were taken hostage, with 126 still held by Hamas months later.

The Long Road to Peace

After inflicting heavy losses, Israel gained control of northern Gaza. But the war dragged on as Hamas continued firing rockets from the south, keeping 100,000 Israelis evacuated from their homes for 8 months and counting. Negotiations involving the US aimed to secure a ceasefire and return of the hostages, including some Americans. But Hamas’ demands kept shifting like desert sands.While hopefully most hostages will eventually be freed alive, regaining the trust lost during this debacle will be an uphill battle for Israel’s security forces. The road to a lasting peace still looks long and winding.

The Complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and long-standing issue, with deep-rooted historical narratives and collective memories that shape the perspectives of both sides. The provided text offers insights into the Israeli viewpoint, highlighting the challenges faced by Israel in its military operations against Hamas in Gaza.One of the central points made is that Israel’s actions are aimed at minimizing civilian casualties, despite the accusations of ethnic cleansing or genocide leveled against it. The author argues that Israel’s practice of warning civilians ahead of military operations and carefully selecting targets is evidence of its efforts to avoid harming non-combatants. However, the text acknowledges the difficulty of conducting operations in densely populated areas where Hamas operates, using civilians as human shields and embedding its military capabilities within civilian infrastructure.

The Role of Egypt and the “Right of Return”

The author suggests that the most humane solution would have been for Palestinian civilians to temporarily seek refuge in the Sinai Peninsula, facilitated by Egypt, international organizations, and Israeli security guarantees. This would have allowed Israel to confront Hamas more directly without endangering civilians. However, the text states that Egypt consistently refused this proposal, leading to the current situation where civilians remain in the conflict zone.The text also addresses the Palestinian fear of not being able to return if they leave, a concern rooted in the collective memory of the “Nakba” (catastrophe) and the desire for the “right of return”. The author attributes this fear to the narratives perpetuated by various Palestinian organizations, including Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).

Education and Narratives

The text criticizes UNRWA for allegedly indoctrinating Palestinian children with the belief that they will one day return to “Palestine” and annihilate Israel. The author claims that Israeli troops have encountered maps in UNRWA schools that do not depict Israel, perpetuating the narrative of a future without the Jewish state.

Understanding the Human Suffering in Gaza

I dwell on the current situation in Gaza because much of the suffering could have been avoided. It’s natural for people to feel deeply when they see images of human suffering, especially in a place like Gaza. However, it’s crucial to understand the underlying reasons for this suffering. Aid has been prevented from being provided effectively, exacerbating the crisis.

Addressing Claims of Ethnic Cleansing

There’s a prevalent claim online that Israel’s military actions are aimed at ethnically cleansing Palestinians from Gaza, pushing them into Egypt, and eventually taking over Gaza. This claim suggests that Israel’s strategy of entering from the North and pushing South is part of this plan. However, this is a baseless accusation. If Israel had any intentions of ethnic cleansing or genocide, its approach to the conflict would be entirely different. Israel has been careful and selective in its targets, often warning civilians ahead of time about military operations, which is contrary to the behavior of a force intent on causing mass civilian casualties.

The Military Strategy and Its Implications

From a military perspective, the last thing you want to do is telegraph your next move to the enemy. Yet, Israel has been doing just that, announcing its operations in advance to minimize civilian casualties. This approach puts Israel at a disadvantage but underscores its commitment to sparing civilian lives. The suggestion that Israel is trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza is not only unfounded but also ignores the complexities and humanitarian considerations involved in the conflict.

The Role of Egypt and International Organizations

A humane solution would have been to allow Palestinian civilians to seek temporary refuge in the Sinai Peninsula, with the support of Egypt, international organizations, the US, and Israeli security guarantees. This would have allowed those who wanted to fight against Israel to do so, while civilians could have been spared the horrors of war. Unfortunately, Egypt has consistently refused to allow this, leaving civilians trapped in a war zone.

The Reality on the Ground

The entire Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas, both above and below ground. This means that every building, school, mosque, hospital, and even UN facilities are used by Hamas for military purposes. This forces the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) into complex urban warfare, where they have to fight room-to-room and house-to-house, often against an enemy that uses civilians as human shields. Hamas’s strategy is to maximize civilian casualties to generate international outrage and sympathy.

The Fear of Displacement Among Palestinians

Many Palestinians in Gaza are afraid to leave, even when encouraged to do so with the promise of return. This fear is rooted in historical experiences and the narrative of the Nakba, which is a core tenet of Palestinian nationalism. The Nakba, or “catastrophe,” refers to the displacement of Arabs during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. This event is deeply ingrained in Palestinian collective memory and is used by various organizations to sustain a sense of victimhood and resistance against Israel.

The Role of Education and Propaganda

Organizations like Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) perpetuate the narrative of the Nakba and the hope of returning to what they call “Palestine.” This education system teaches Palestinian children that Israel does not exist and that one day they will return to their ancestral homes. This dangerous illusion makes it difficult to build a different reality and achieve peace.

The Challenges of Urban Warfare

Israeli troops often find themselves fighting in UNRWA schools, which are used by Hamas in violation of international humanitarian law. These schools, funded by international donors, teach children that Israel does not exist. This indoctrination fuels the conflict and makes it harder to find a peaceful resolution.

The situation in Gaza is complex and fraught with historical, political, and humanitarian challenges. While it’s easy to be moved by images of suffering, it’s important to understand the deeper issues at play. The claims of ethnic cleansing are unfounded, and the reality on the ground is that both sides are caught in a tragic and difficult conflict. The international community must work towards a solution that spares civilians and addresses the root causes of the conflict.

The Israeli Perspective

As an Israeli civilian living near the Gaza Strip, the conflict with Hamas has been a harrowing experience. On October 7th, my peaceful morning routine was shattered when terrorists from Gaza infiltrated our border, killing and abducting civilians in their homes. The government had no choice but to act decisively to protect our safety and sovereignty.

Hamas, the militant group governing Gaza, has brainwashed generations to hate Israelis and Jews. Their vast military infrastructure of weapons, tunnels, and combatants posed an existential threat that could not be ignored. Israel’s goal became dismantling Hamas’ capabilities to prevent future attacks on our communities.

The Challenges of Defeating Hamas

Defeating Hamas has proven immensely difficult, even after eight months of fighting. Their fighters have taken refuge in Rafah, a city near the Egyptian border, turning it into their last stand. The intensity of combat in Rafah is extremely high as Israel meticulously roots out Hamas operatives while exercising extraordinary caution to avoid civilian casualties.

Critics demand a ceasefire, but that would leave Hamas intact to regroup and strike again. As in any war, one side must achieve victory before dictating terms to the defeated party. A premature ceasefire would surrender Israeli civilians to continued terror.

The Path Forward

Eradicating Hamas’ leadership and infrastructure is easier said than done when they operate among civilians. However, Israel’s aim is not the eradication of Palestinians, but rather the defeat of a terrorist group that has repeatedly attacked Israeli sovereignty and civilians within recognized borders.

While political rhetoric calls for swift action, military realities on the ground are far more complex. Intense international scrutiny forces the IDF to fight with one hand tied, endangering its troops to minimize civilian harm. Defeating an embedded foe like Hamas, without causing widespread destruction, will take more months of meticulous urban warfare.

Ultimately, Israel cannot accept an outcome that leaves Hamas’ capabilities intact, as that would inevitably lead to further civilian suffering on both sides. Only once Hamas’ military threat is neutralized can we hope for lasting peace and security for all people in the region.

Defying Skeptics’ Predictions

When Israel initiated the evacuation of civilians from Rafah, a chorus of self-appointed experts and international media outlets expressed skepticism, questioning the feasibility of relocating over 1.1 million Palestinians. They claimed it was impossible and that Israel would fail to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and medical supplies to the evacuees. However, the reality on the ground has proven these doubters wrong.

A Remarkable Achievement

According to the United Nations, at least 900,000 Palestinians, and potentially up to 1 million out of the reported 1.1 million residents, have been successfully evacuated from Rafah. This remarkable achievement demonstrates Israel’s commitment to safeguarding civilian lives and its ability to execute a complex operation of this magnitude.

Palestinians’ Smart Choice

The successful evacuation can be attributed, in part, to the Palestinians’ understanding that they were being used as human shields by Hamas. By leaving Rafah, they made the smart choice to prioritize their safety and well-being, recognizing the dangers of remaining in the conflict zone.

Reduced Civilian Casualties

As a result of the evacuation, the ratio of combatant to civilian casualties has decreased significantly. Reports from the Associated Press indicate that the number of women and children killed in the fighting has declined, as Israel continues to target Hamas terrorists on the battlefield while minimizing harm to non-combatants. This achievement, sadly, has not received the recognition it deserves from the international community.

Facilitating Humanitarian Aid

Israel has taken proactive measures to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the evacuated Palestinians. Hundreds of truckloads of food, water, and medical supplies are entering Gaza daily, primarily through Israeli-controlled crossings. Additionally, Israel has constructed two new crossings in the northern Gaza Strip to streamline aid distribution.

The Rafah Crossing Conundrum

While Israel has gained control over the Rafah crossing with Egypt and expressed willingness to open it for humanitarian purposes, Egypt has refused to cooperate, citing political reasons and their unwillingness to deal with Israel on the Gazan side. This cynical stance by Egypt prioritizes politics over providing aid to those in need.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite challenges, such as the tragic incident involving the World Central Kitchen workers, Israel remains committed to working with third-party organizations to support the Palestinian population. The country understands the importance of international cooperation and does not seek to govern Gaza or be responsible for the daily affairs of Palestinians.

In conclusion, the successful evacuation of Rafah and the ongoing efforts to facilitate humanitarian aid demonstrate Israel’s commitment to protecting civilian lives and ensuring the well-being of the Palestinian population, even in the midst of conflict. While challenges persist, Israel’s actions have defied skeptics’ predictions and set an example of humanitarian cooperation in the face of adversity.

A Scathing Critique of the Response to Israel’s Conflict with Hamas

As an Israeli citizen who has witnessed the horrors of Hamas’s attacks firsthand, I can no longer remain silent in the face of the international community’s blatant hypocrisy and disregard for Israel’s right to self-defense. The events of October 7th, when Hamas terrorists brutally assaulted and killed Israeli civilians in their homes, were a wake-up call that shook our nation to its core. Yet, instead of standing in solidarity with us, many countries have chosen to reward terrorism by recognizing a Palestinian state controlled by the very same extremist group that perpetrated these atrocities.

The Duplicity of European Nations

It is deeply disappointing to see European nations, which claim to uphold democratic values and human rights, prioritize local political gains over defending the principles they purport to cherish. By recognizing a Palestinian state dominated by Hamas, they are not only undermining efforts to achieve lasting peace but also emboldening the very forces that seek to destroy it.

Their arrogance is astounding, as they presume to dictate the terms of a solution without even consulting the Palestinian people themselves. Opinion polls consistently show that, if free and fair elections were held today, Hamas would emerge victorious, both in the West Bank and Gaza. By endorsing a Palestinian state under these circumstances, European countries are effectively endorsing a Hamas-led regime – a regime that has proven time and again its commitment to violence and extremism.

The Complicity of UNRWA

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has also played a significant role in enabling Hamas’s reign of terror. This organization, which was once a provider of humanitarian services in Gaza, has become compromised and dominated by Hamas. UNRWA’s facilities, personnel, and resources have been co-opted by the terrorist group, facilitating its rule and poisoning the minds of Palestinian children with hatred and extremism.

It is time for UNRWA to be dismantled and replaced by organizations that truly prioritize the well-being of the Palestinian people, rather than serving as a tool for Hamas’s oppressive agenda.

Israel’s Justified Response

In the face of such blatant aggression and the international community’s deafening silence, Israel has no choice but to defend its citizens by all means necessary. If a diplomatic solution cannot be found to allow the 100,000 internally displaced Israelis in Northern Israel to return home safely, then military action will be unavoidable.

The goal is not to defeat Hamas as an idea or a call for extremism, but rather to dismantle its military capabilities and infrastructure within Gaza, ensuring that it can no longer pose a threat to Israeli civilians. This is a basic and justified claim, one that any sovereign nation would make in the face of such relentless attacks on its people.

To those who criticize Israel’s actions, I propose an intellectual exercise: remove the names “Israel” and “Gaza” from the equation and consider the situation objectively. Would you not expect any nation to defend its citizens against such heinous acts of terrorism? Would you not demand that the perpetrators be held accountable and their ability to strike again be neutralized?

It is time for the international community to shed its double standards and recognize the reality on the ground. Israel is not the aggressor; it is the victim of unprovoked and indiscriminate violence. By standing idly by or, worse, rewarding the very forces that seek to destroy it, the world is not only betraying Israel but also undermining the fundamental principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

A Hopeful Yet Challenging Path to Peace in Gaza

The situation in Gaza is undoubtedly complex and deeply rooted in decades of conflict, hatred, and indoctrination. However, there is a glimmer of hope for a better future, albeit one that will require immense effort, wisdom, and regional cooperation.

Israel’s primary objective is to decisively defeat Hamas, a terrorist organization that has oppressed the people of Gaza and perpetuated a cycle of violence and suffering. This defeat must be unequivocal in the eyes of Palestinians, as any perception of Hamas’s resurgence would undermine efforts for positive change.

Once Hamas is defeated, a transitional period under Israeli security control would be necessary to prevent the re-emergence of extremist groups and facilitate the establishment of a new, moderate Palestinian leadership. This interim phase could last months or potentially longer, mirroring historical examples like post-World War II Germany and Japan.

The Crucial Role of Regional and Global Cooperation

Israel cannot and should not govern Gaza indefinitely or unilaterally. The path forward lies in building a broad coalition of regional and global partners, including countries from the Abraham Accords, the United States, and others committed to fostering prosperity, respect, and coexistence in the region.

This coalition would work towards shaping a new trajectory for Gaza, one that replaces the oppressive, fundamentalist ideology of Hamas with a more humane, prosperous, and inclusive vision. Arab countries, in particular, could play a vital role in this endeavor, leveraging their cultural and religious ties to facilitate positive change.

Overcoming Generational Indoctrination

One of the most significant challenges will be overcoming the deep-rooted hatred and anti-Semitism instilled in generations of Gazans by Hamas and UNRWA schools. Reversing this indoctrination will be a generational effort, requiring patience, perseverance, and a commitment to fostering mutual understanding and respect.

Iran’s Proxy Strategy and the Need for Decisive Action

Israel also recognizes the broader threat posed by Iran’s strategy of using proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, and others to wage asymmetric warfare against Israel while minimizing its own exposure. To address this challenge, Israel may need to adopt a more assertive approach, posing difficult questions to the Iranian regime and demonstrating the consequences of its continued aggression.


The path to peace and stability in Gaza is arduous, but the potential rewards are immense – a future of prosperity, coexistence, and regional cooperation. With unwavering determination, diplomatic wisdom, and the support of like-minded partners, Israel and its allies can work towards breaking the cycle of violence and creating a better tomorrow for all.

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