Montana Tucker | The Heartbreaking Story of Naama Levy | Believe Jewish Women

The Fateful Day: October 7th

On October 7th, 2023, my life changed forever. It was a day that started like any other but ended in unimaginable horror. My daughter, Naama Levy, a 19-year-old with a heart full of dreams and a spirit of compassion, was taken from us in the most brutal way possible. She was one of the many innocent victims of a terrorist attack by Hamas during a music festival in Israel.

The Attack at the Music Festival

Naama had been enjoying the Supernova Sukkot Gathering, an open-air music festival near Kibbutz Re’im, when the unthinkable happened. Armed militants from Hamas launched a surprise attack, killing 364 civilians and taking at least 40 hostages, including my Naama. The festival turned into a scene of chaos and bloodshed as the militants fired indiscriminately at the fleeing attendees.

The Horrific Video

The next day, a video surfaced that shattered our world. It showed Naama being dragged by her hair at gunpoint, her hands bound, her ankles cut, and her pants soaked in blood. The image of my daughter in such a state is something no mother should ever have to see. It was beyond upsetting, and I couldn’t watch it in continuity. But I knew the world needed to see it to understand the cruelty of that moment.

Raising Awareness

In the wake of this tragedy, we decided to take action. We went out in public to raise awareness about what happened to Naama and the other innocent hostages still in captivity. We created art installations, including a pair of pants replicating what Naama looked like after her abduction, to educate people and keep the memory of these young girls alive.

The Global Response

The international response to the October 7th attacks has been mixed. While some organizations and governments have condemned the violence, others have been slow to acknowledge the scale and brutality of the crimes committed by Hamas. It took nearly two months for the United Nations to issue a statement condemning the sexual violence against women during the attacks.

A Mother’s Desperate Plea

As a mother, I am desperate for my daughter’s safe return. Naama is not just a statistic; she is a vibrant young woman with dreams and aspirations. She was a part of the “Hands of Peace” program, which brings together American, Israeli, and Palestinian youths to promote global social change. She believes in the good of all people and dreams of a career in diplomacy.

The Ongoing Struggle

Every day that Naama remains in captivity is a day filled with fear and uncertainty. The longer she is held, the more likely she will suffer lifelong trauma. I worry about her physical and mental health, knowing that she is vulnerable to further violence and abuse.

Bringing Naama Home

I have traveled to New York and other places, meeting with officials and raising awareness about Naama’s plight. I want to influence whoever I can to bring my daughter home. The fear that I feel every day is overwhelming, but I will not stop fighting until Naama is safe.


Naama Levy is much more than the young woman in that horrific video. She is a peace seeker, a compassionate soul, and a determined individual who wants to make the world a better place. I plead with the world to remember Naama and all the innocent hostages still in captivity. We must not forget them, and we must do everything in our power to bring them home.

Call to Action

If you are moved by Naama’s story, please share it. Raise awareness about the ongoing humanitarian crisis and the need for the safe return of all hostages. Together, we can make a difference and bring our loved ones home.

Take Action Now | Reach Out to US Elected Officials

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