The Miraculous Power of Shabbat: A Mother’s Tale of Faith and Protection

As I sit down to recount this incredible story, I can’t help but feel a mix of awe and gratitude for the events that unfolded. It’s a tale that reminds us of the profound impact our choices can have, even when we least expect it.

A Soldier’s Decision and a Mother’s Worry

It all began with a young Israeli soldier named Itzik. As an only child, he was exempt from military service, but after the events of October 7th, he felt compelled to join the fight against Hamas. His decision left his parents, particularly his mother, fraught with worry. One sleepless night, Itzik’s mother found herself wandering the streets of Hertzliya, her mind racing with concern for her son. As fate would have it, she stumbled upon a synagogue with its lights still on in the late hours.

An Unexpected Encounter and a Divine Message

Inside, she met a man engrossed in prayer. Though not a rabbi, he listened to her troubles and, in an attempt to offer guidance, randomly opened a prayer book. The page he landed on is a prayer of Shabbat’s protective power for those who observe it. This chance encounter sparked a flame of hope in Itzik’s mother. Despite not being particularly religious, she decided to embrace Shabbat observance as a way to safeguard her son.

The Challenge of Change

Convincing her husband wasn’t easy. The idea of giving up their usual Friday night routines – smoking cigars, watching TV, using phones – seemed daunting. But with the help of a rabbi, they agreed to start small: observing just the first three hours of Shabbat. Their first attempt at Shabbat observance was a mix of boredom and rediscovery. Without their usual distractions, they found themselves reminiscing about their courtship days, rekindling their connection. However, as the hours ticked by, the struggle became real, especially for Itzik’s father who craved his usual comforts.

A Miraculous Turn of Events

Little did they know that their small act of faith would have monumental consequences. On that very Shabbat, as Israeli forces entered Gaza, Hamas launched an RPG at a tank containing Itzik and his fellow soldiers. In a twist of fate that defies explanation, Itzik was the sole survivor of that attack. The timing of the attack coincided with that crucial third hour of Shabbat observance – the hour Itzik’s father had struggled most to maintain. It was as if their commitment to Shabbat had created a protective shield around their son.

The Ripple Effect of Faith

This experience transformed Itzik’s mother. She now keeps the entire Shabbat and has become a passionate advocate for its observance, sharing her story far and wide. Her Moroccan spirit shines through as she encourages others to embrace this mitzvah, her voice carrying the weight of a personal miracle.

Reflections on the Power of Mitzvot

As I ponder this extraordinary tale, I’m struck by the profound impact of even the smallest acts of faith. If three hours of Shabbat observance could protect a life, imagine the cumulative effect of all the Shabbats we’ve kept throughout our lives. It’s a powerful reminder not to underestimate the value of our mitzvot. Each Shabbat, each prayer, and each good deed ripples out into the world in ways we may never fully comprehend. The yetzer hara (evil inclination) may try to minimize our efforts, but this story stands as a testament to the immense significance of our spiritual actions.

A Call to Appreciation

So, my friends, let’s take a moment to appreciate the weight of our Jewish observance. Whether it’s Shabbat, Torah study, or acts of kindness, each mitzvah carries the potential to change lives and protect our loved ones in ways we can’t fathom. As we go forward, may we approach our spiritual practices with renewed vigor and gratitude, knowing that every moment of observance is a precious gift – not just to ourselves, but to the entire world.

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