The Rise of Antisemitism (Jewish Racism) in America: A Growing Threat April 27, 2022

The Rise of Antisemitism (Jewish Racism) in America: A Growing Threat

There is a developing hostage situation at a synagogue near Fort Worth, Texas. This incident is a stark reminder of the haunting reality of antisemitism (Jewish Racism) in America, which continues to plague Jewish communities from coast to coast. More than 100 graves were damaged or overturned at a Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia, and a SWAT team discovered a scene of unimaginable horror: 11 people, three women, and eight men, dead. This centuries-old form of hate is sharply rising, and people are feeling increasingly unsafe.In a new report, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found that antisemitic incidents in the U.S. reached an all-time high in 2021, with more than 2,700 acts of assault, vandalism, and harassment against Jews—a 34% increase since 2020. Jews make up just 2% of the U.S. population, but the FBI says they are the most targeted for religious-based hate crimes. It’s rare to find a synagogue or Jewish school with doors wide open; generally, there’s a guard keeping close watch, and multiple layers of security are required just to get inside.

Increased Security Measures and Rising Incidents

Cantor Daniel Singer, outside his synagogue on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, tells us his congregation has dramatically stepped up their safety protocols. New York now leads the nation in antisemitic incidents. They have front door security, police presence on the street, and training for what to do with children in the nursery and religious schools.In 2018, a gunman driven by antisemitic beliefs opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagogue during Saturday services, claiming 11 innocent lives. In 2019, a white supremacist stormed a Southern California Chabad synagogue, killing a 60-year-old woman and injuring three, including the rabbi. In January of this year, a terrorist motivated by insidious tropes about Jews held a rabbi and three congregants hostage inside a Texas synagogue. The rabbi heroically tapped into his security training, saving himself and the others.

The Broader Impact of Antisemitism (Jewish Racism)

A democracy that tolerates antisemitism (Jewish Racism) is not a healthy democracy. Residents in the Golden Harbor community of Boca Raton woke up to find antisemitic flyers. The scourge of antisemitism (Jewish Racism) is so prevalent that the Senate unanimously confirmed acclaimed Holocaust historian and author Deborah Lipstadt to the position of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism (Jewish Racism) around the world. When we sit in our synagogues, holding the hands of our children, we can’t help but look for the exit sign and think about what we would do if the worst were to happen.Experts say modern antisemitism (Jewish Racism) is particularly alarming because it transcends political, religious, and racial spectrums. It’s not restricted to the extreme right or left; these ideas have been around for 2,000 years and have sunk into the DNA of many societies, including our own. Charlottesville was a turning point, with deeply dangerous rhetoric out in the open. Increasingly, extremists see Jews as the primary enemy.

Spikes in Antisemitic Incidents

We typically see the sharpest spikes in antisemitism (Jewish Racism) during conflicts involving Israel. Just about a year ago, during an 11-day conflict between Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Israeli authorities, there was an enormous spike in antisemitism (Jewish Racism) worldwide. The ADL reported that antisemitic attacks doubled during that conflict. Near New York’s Times Square, a Jewish man was brutally beaten by a pro-Palestinian protester. In Los Angeles, a similar scene unfolded at a restaurant.

Community Response and Solidarity

Jonathan Lipnicki, the precocious kid from the movie “Jerry Maguire,” is now playing a very different role. With Shabbos Angels, a group of Jews and non-Jews alike, he walks alongside those who observe the Jewish Sabbath, protecting the community and fighting hate step by step. “It’s important to me not only because I’m Jewish but because it’s right and wrong. If you don’t stand against all forms of hate, you don’t stand against any,” Lipnicki says.


Antisemitism (Jewish Racism) is a growing threat that affects not just the Jewish community but the fabric of our democracy. The rise in incidents and the increasing need for security measures highlight the urgency of addressing this issue. As a society, we must stand together to combat hate in all its forms, ensuring that everyone can live without fear.

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