Three things you need to know about what’s happening on college campuses right now

I’m here to set the record straight about what’s really happening on college campuses. It’s not what you might think. First, let me be clear – these protests are not peaceful. They’re marked by aggressive behavior, vandalism, and even violence against Jewish students. It’s not just about peaceful protests or free speech; it’s about creating chaos and disrupting the education of thousands of students.

Second, this is not a grassroots movement. I’ve seen firsthand that it’s well-organized, well-funded, and even infiltrated by outside groups with questionable connections. Some of these individuals have been convicted of terrorism-related charges, and many are not even students themselves. They’re outside agitators who are using our campuses as a platform for their ideology.

And third, it’s just plain wrong. These protesters are misinformed about the very issues they’re fighting for. They’ve been duped into believing that Israel is committing genocide and that Zionism is a movement that necessitates the destruction of Palestinians. They’re brainwashed into thinking that Israel doesn’t provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, despite the fact that hundreds of trucks of aid enter the region every day.

I’ve seen this firsthand, and it’s heartbreaking to see so many young people so misinformed. They’re hellbent on destroying the only democracy in the Middle East because they’re so caught up in their own ideology. And let’s be clear – this movement is anti-Semitic. They’re not just targeting Israel; they’re singling out the Jewish State because they’re fueled by hatred and ignorance.

It’s time for us to take a hard look at what’s really happening on our campuses. We need to recognize that these protests are not about peace or social justice; they’re about using our institutions as a platform for hate and intolerance.

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