What Jews Can Learn From Black People

The Path to Respect: Lessons from the Civil Rights Movement

Growing up in America, I vividly remember learning about the shameful history of segregation and unequal rights based solely on the color of one’s skin. As a child, the very concept seemed utterly ridiculous to me. How could something as superficial as melanin pigmentation determine the freedoms and liberties afforded to human beings? My own parents’ contrasting complexions only reinforced the absurdity of such discrimination.

For millennials and Gen Z, the idea of denying basic rights due to race is almost unfathomable – a relic of a bygone era. And yet, the Civil Rights Movement that dismantled this unjust system occurred less than 80 years ago. It’s a sobering reminder that within living memory, it was socially acceptable to treat people of color as lesser citizens.

Fast forward to today, and the societal pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. Dare to utter an insensitive remark about race, gender, or any minority group on a college campus like Columbia University, and you’d face immediate ostracization. A single screenshot of an offensive comment could ignite protests and potentially lead to expulsion.

The Power of Collective Action

So how did we transition from a reality where discrimination was the norm to one where even the slightest transgression is vehemently rejected? The answer lies in the courageous actions of those who refused to accept injustice – the men, women, and allies of the Civil Rights Movement who stood up, marched, and in some cases, made the ultimate sacrifice.

Their struggle was not an overnight success, nor was it granted from on high by benevolent politicians. It was a grassroots effort that shifted the cultural mindset from the bottom up, starting with the youth and gradually permeating every facet of society. Through education, activism, and sheer determination, they became a formidable voting bloc that could no longer be ignored by those in power.

The same path to respect and equality is available to us as Jews, both in the diaspora and in Israel. We cannot sit idly by while lies and hatred are spread unchallenged on campuses worldwide. Rallies, protests, petitions, and even defining antisemitism (Jewish Racism) – these actions alone are merely symbolic gestures that provide temporary solace but fail to enact lasting change.

Our Generational Responsibility

If we truly wish to secure the rights and dignity we deserve, we must be willing to fight for them with the same unwavering resolve as those who came before us. We must actively reshape the mindset of future generations, instilling in them an understanding and appreciation of our people’s struggles, triumphs, and immense contributions to humanity.

This is not a call for aimless confrontation or violence, but rather a rallying cry for a sustained, strategic campaign to reclaim our narrative and assert our rightful place in the global community. It is a generational responsibility that falls upon our shoulders, for the consequences of inaction are all too familiar.

For those in the diaspora unwilling to take up this mantle, the choice is clear: either commit to this righteous path or make preparations to leave for Israel. Continuing to do nothing or failing to achieve meaningful change will only perpetuate the cycle of marginalization and oppression that has plagued our people for centuries.

As I reflect on the hard-won victories of the Civil Rights Movement, I am reminded that rights are not simply granted – they are earned through the blood, sweat, and tears of those willing to sacrifice for a just cause. It is our turn to follow in their footsteps, to unite with allies, and to forge a future where the Jewish people are not merely tolerated, but truly respected and embraced as equals in every corner of the world.

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