Why Israel Matters: A Truth Test for the World

As someone living in Ecuador, you might wonder why I’m so interested in Israel. It’s a valid question. After all, we’re separated by two continents and an ocean. But here’s the thing: Israel has become my litmus test for truth in a world full of lies.

The Israel Truth Test

I’ve always been a truth seeker. Can’t stand lies. And let me tell you, there are more lies told about Israel than any other place on Earth. It’s wild. I’ve come to realize that if you can see through the BS about Israel, you’re probably thinking straight about most things. So why does Israel matter to me, a non-Jewish guy in Ecuador? Simple. It’s impossible to ignore, no matter where you live. Everyone’s got an opinion on it.

Diving into the Israel Rabbit Hole

Back in high school, Israel caught my attention. I started digging, and at first, it was a mess of conflicting information:

  • Was Israel the victim or the aggressor?
  • Did they oppress minorities or champion civil rights?
  • Were they colonizers or did they have a legit claim to the land?
  • Why was the UN always on their case but silent about places like Syria or North Korea?
  • And what’s with their neighbors wanting to wipe them off the map?

It was confusing as hell. But I kept digging.

The Truth Emerges

The more I researched, the clearer things became. Here’s what I found:

  • Israel’s got free speech, a free press, and independent courts
  • They have open and fair elections (unlike their neighbors)
  • Women have full rights and are in every profession
  • Tel Aviv hosts one of the biggest gay pride parades in the world (the only one in the Middle East)
  • A fifth of Israel’s citizens are Arab Muslims with their own political party
  • They protect holy sites of all religions

And get this: Israel has repeatedly offered Palestinians their own state. Every time, it’s been rejected. Why? Because the Palestinians won’t accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.

The Wall and the Rockets

That wall everyone condemns? It was built to stop suicide bombings. And it worked. The bombings stopped. Simple as that. And how about Hamas launching rockets at Israel? Or Iran constantly threatening to blow them off the map? It’s not hard to see who the aggressors are here.

Why Israel Matters to Me

Israel has become my North Star of truth. If you can’t see it clearly, you’re lost in a sea of lies. Life is complicated, sure. But some things are pretty close to black and white. I find it hard to understand why anyone who values freedom and democracy wouldn’t support Israel when it’s threatened. Maybe not everyone is as interested in truth as I am. But for me, even here in Ecuador, Israel matters. It’s my truth test for the world. And that’s why I care.

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