You Need To Know The Truth About Israel Today

One scripture that holds immense significance, one you may have heard me recite often, is a profound reminder from God: “My people who are called by my name are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Today, we’re delving into the topic of Israel, the promised land. It’s not just about having affection for Israel; it’s about being equipped to counter the falsehoods that assail this nation. Yes, the Bible unequivocally designates Israel as the Promised Land. But who is it promised to in this day and age? 

We’re Pastor Larry and Tiz Huch, thrilled to have you with us. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing our experiences from our journey to Israel, striving to debunk the misconceptions and exaggerations that often cloud discussions about this remarkable land. Let’s examine the facts: in 1948, there were approximately 750,000 to 900,000 Arab Palestinians in Israel. Today, that number has skyrocketed to 5.5 million. Quite a jump, wouldn’t you say? The ever-increasing population proves that Israel is including Palestinians in the land.

There are myriad ways to affirm Israel’s rightful place as the homeland of the Jewish people. Whether it’s through biblical, legal, or archaeological lenses, the evidence is resoundingly clear. So, let’s not shy away from these truths. Let’s embrace them, armed with knowledge and understanding, as we navigate the complexities of our world.

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